17. Kerry Baldwin - Asking Better Questions


In this episode, Kerry Baldwin is back to talk about her new courses designed to help people of all ages become critical, reflective, thinkers and why this lost skill is becoming more and more crucial. Craig and Kerry begin their conversation by taking a look at how both the public’s and the government's responses to COVID-19 have shifted since April.

They next dive into Kerry’s course where we are invited to reconsider how we think about thinking, learning, and what actually is wisdom? This episode is not about answers, rather it is a beacon to the importance of crafting the question to precede any answer.

Timestamps and resources to start learning more:

1:17 Who is Kerry Baldwin 

5:51 Shifts in public attitudes toward COVID-19

11:16 Are coronavirus measures removing our humanity?

13:35 Kerry’s Socratic Seminars

21:36 Materials Kerry uses in her course and why

26:53 Social media contrasted with the Socratic method

28:41 Importance of participation in the Socratic method...aka why you can’t skip the Zoom call

  • Benefits of a coach in facilitating an open learning environment

  • Starting with asking questions and feeling safe asking them

  • Answering questions you weren't’ prepared for

33:58 How does this method teach critical thinking?

  • Different skill levels in thinking - 6 Stages

  • Socrates definition of wisdom - the more knowledge you have about the world the more you realize how much you don’t know 

  • Those with less knowledge believe they know more than actually do - Dunning-Kruger Effect 

  • Socratic method as a way to learn about the world and self

  • How can these skills help us with social media?

40:09 Understanding how true statistics can be framed to manipulate us

43:04 Kerry’s Socratic seminars vs. lecture-style classes  

  • What does learning look like to you?

  • Permission to fail and be wrong

  • Teacher pouring knowledge into student vs. engaged learning

  •  Forced vs. voluntary engagement/participation

50:00 Why we need more people involved in asking good questions and productive methods of conversation

  • It’s ok not to agree, in fact, we don’t want everyone to agree with us

  • It’s not about “putting someone in their place”

  • Social media and the desire to be right, even without understanding why you may be right (or wrong)

53:16 Learning more from being right than being wrong

  • The “gut punch” of being wrong

  • Getting comfortable with not knowing

  • Bruised egos

55:37 What skills do students develop?

  • Compare and contrast, clarifying issues conclusions and beliefs, understanding the difference between over-simplification and generalization

  • “Feelings care about facts”

  • Intellectual humility, courage, and integrity

  • Independent thinking, self-awareness, fair-mindedness

  • Perseverance, confidence, and reason

  • And more!

57: 41 Feedback: What people have said of Kerry’s Socratic Seminars 

  • Don’t underestimate kids!

  • Giving kids a safe environment to make mistakes and what they will reveal they know

1:01:00 What we can learn from younger generations

  • Why “old people” may be stuck in their ways - what’s going on in a child’s brain?

  • Neuroplasticity

1:04:25 Kerry’s plugs


16. Patrick Carroll - If You Vote You Can’t Complain

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In this episode, Craig speaks with Patrick Carroll about his article If You Vote You Can’t Complain. Their discussion explores topics on suffrage in Canada and the United States and possible answers to why voters seem to be growing more and more apathetic to participating in the democratic system. 

They explore the problem with “defensive voting” and how it may not be disrespectful to the past to refrain from casting your ballot every 2-4 years. In the midst of a Presidential Election in the US, this episode is an offering to listeners to consider what a vote is, who gives you that right, and who’s Kingdom you may be endorsing by participating in a system that upholds its power through force. 

Timestamps and links to start learning more:

01:10 Who is Patrick Carroll

04:05 What prompted Patrick to write his article “You Can’t Complain if You Vote”

  • Response to you can’t complain if you don’t vote

  • Voting as complicity in system you are complaining about

06:26 Explaining low voter turnout

11:29 Let’s (anarchist/voluntaryist) talk to the nonvoters

15:54 Speaking to individuals vs. groups

19:45 Relationship between individualism/collectivism and fallacy of representation

23:38 Justin explains Canada’s political systems and issues he has seen in elections

26:10 Popular vote vs. who actually wins in US politics 

27:55 Response to “why you should vote” i.e. people have died for the vote, disrespect to suffrage movements, ect.   

  • Is it disrespectful to ask politicians to rule over your neighbors?

  • Is voting important?

  • Positive rights vs. negative rights

    • Positive rights means someone else has a corresponding responsibility (similar to entitlement)

    • Negative implies someone has to not do something e.g. Freedom of Speech means others have to not interfere with your speech

  • The “right” to vote only exist in context of the state

    • Is right to have say in how you are ruled

  • Misnomer to call voting a right

    • The “right” to vote only exist in context of the state

      • Can be seen as right to have say in how you are ruled

  • Respecting people starts by not ruling over people, which, on the contrary, voting supports

33:11 Is America following the constitution? 

37:07 Voting and Slavery

  • Larken Rose video 

  • “Asking your master implies it is their choice...legitimizing their role as master”

  • Being principled is most pragmatic approach, “defensive voting” compromise principles

  • Abolitionist movement was uncompromising

    • Anything less than total abolition of slavery was not sufficient

  • Being ruthlessly principled is the way of Jesus

    • Example: He could have gone on military conquest and overthrown the Romans

  • Lysander Spooner on defensive voting 

41:27 We need to stop pretending

  • Can a broken system fix itself?

    • Does it have an interest to?

  • What message does showing up at the poles send?

 44:30 Patrick’s Plugs

15. Benje Graves - Misplaced Hope: Political Idealization among American Christians

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In this episode, Craig speaks with Pastor Benje Graves of Vision Community Church  Marsing, Idaho about the strong adherence to the Republican Party among Christians and what that says about where those Christian’s hope may lie. Graves shares stories of his experience in working to get his congregation to see the same entanglement in government affairs that this show seeks to explore and expose. 

We hope this episode is an invitation for conservatives to explore how showing up as a Christian does not mean showing up to endorse any political party, a modern-day call for a King, but rather Jesus’s life and teachings challenge us to remain on the margins of society in order to live out the Gospel. When we understand what it means to be a part of the Kingdom of God, we can begin to release the fear that too often draws us away from our divine calling. We must not forget that, if we call ourselves Christians, our allegiance is not to a finite and man-made nation but to the infinite Kingdom of Heaven. #NoKingbutChrist is a call to faith, a call away from the broken systems of the world that too often pull us away from living a life in the image of Christ.

Timestamps and starting points for further exploration:

00:22 Episode Intro - Scott Horton Show

01:02 Who is Benje Graves?

01:22 Benje’s connection to Scott Horton 

02:23 Will Grigg, the John Birch Society, The New American magazine, “taking the red pill” 

03:17 The red pill tweet Elon Musk(Fox news report) & why Texas; Fox News disclamier

04:19 Charles Stanley

04:41 Individualism, Group-think & importance of getting people to ask the right questions

08:05 Jesus turning tables, what to do with a sword(don’t be Peter), Jesus before Piloit, Christian youth before Trump

09:25 Franklin Graham, the individual on social media, and the idealization of Trump vs. Obama

11:40 Misplaced Hope: Christians saying “it’s all about the next election”, what does it mean to be a part of the Kingdom of God?

13:33 Benje’s experience with Christians turning away from politics

18:29 Anarchist Push Back: Have we always had a government?

  • Godly/Scriptural governance

  • Was the early Church anarchist?

  • Tertullian

  • Constantinian Shift

  • What should we follow, benefits of understanding the early church and the same way we can come to rediscover the original intent of the constitution (via the arguments of those that were there) 

  • Works Based Salvation: “How in the world do you think you can work your way into heaven” (is registering as republican enough?)

25:02 What can the Temptation of Jesus teach us today - work from the outside in

31:20 Controlling the masses - the government is a fear machine, Christians stay away

39:51  Benje on push back from and to his congregation

  • Quick to forgetters

  • Planting seeds: thoughts, principles & concepts 

  • Looking at what Jesus actually did vs. what we may assume

43:54 Planting seed - taking a long-view of time

  • We are still saying give us a King - Israel and now the Lord’s message is the same

  • America (or any country) being great should not be the criteria for God’s people 

  • A vote is an endorsement

  • “Lesser of two evils”

  • Trying to change the mafia from the inside out

50:45  COVID-19 lockdowns and mental health

53:43 Citizens policing citizens on masks 

58:43 Benje’s plugs


14. Keith Giles & Jason Porterfield - Fight Like a Christian

14. Keith Giles & Jason Porterfield - Fight Like a Christian

This episode invites us to ask questions of allegiance, based on the premise that following Christ was, and should remain, a radical act, a difficult call to answer. If we are truly citizens in the Kingdom of God, what place does any modern government have in our lives? With Jesus as our compass, we can build the beloved community; our fight is nonviolent and the weapons are spiritual which is why we invite you to be radical, to be a Bad Roman, to show the world what it means to love your enemies, to help the world experience the love of Christ.

13. (Christian) Anarchist Round Table #3 - Put Your Mask On & Be a Good Roman

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For our third round table, Jason Mock, Scott Goldman, Nathan Chavoya, and Nicholas Harrelson join Craig to share their opinions on two main ideas. The first question comes from a Facebook fan message and is on where our obedience to Christ lays, he asks if “sometimes to be Christian, it meant you had had to be a good Roman”? Secondly, the Round Table takes a look at mandating masks in addition to exploring where identity is derived when we come to understand the Gospel.

Timestamps of Topics discussed:

0:53 Introductions

05:30 Opinions on what is entailed by “Sometimes to be Christian, it meant you had to be a good Roman”

07:35 Romans 13

13:13 “Render unto Caesar”

30:35 Major General Smedley Butler

35:16 Recap of Original Statement

36:17 Opinions on Mandating Masks

1:04:30 Definition of a Coronavirus

You can explore Nathan and Jason’s memes in our Meme Gallery and on our Facebook feed!

Visit Live ReligiousTee to see Jason’s designs.

Visit Nicholas’s meme page Anglo-Catholic Memes for Christian Teens and connect with him on Facebook!

Interested in being part of the next round table? Leave us a voice message of your question or comment and your question could be on the next Bad Roman Round Table. 

11. Stephen founder of AnarchoChristian - Planting the Seeds for a Voluntary Society & Consistency in Pursuing Christ

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This week Craig speaks with Stephen, the founder of AnarchoChristain, about his journey to Christian Anarchism. They discuss Stephen talks about the roots of entanglement with the state Stephen's life, if the youth may be more capable of #NoKingButChrist thinking, and the false Messiah syndrome that, as we move closer to the 2020 US election, seems to be plaguing American minds in the midst of a pandemic.

This episode reminds us that the work of building the Kingdom is generational—it’s on God’s time. The efforts of the State are often finite—small or large grabs at power— they can only last, at most, a human life. A voluntary society is not a nation, but, as Craig and Stephen explore in the episode, it is not without rules or order either. Often people turn a blind eye to what we are seeking to bring into the world, not because they disagree with the principle, but rather they can not begin to imagine what a voluntary society would actually function, feel like, or look like on a day to day basis. That’s why we’re here. 

Time Stamps & Starting Points for Further Exploration:

07:36 “To say we don’t need a government rejects the Biblical truth of a fallen world. I don’t want to imagine a world with pacifist Christians and godless tyrants”

10:19 1 Samuel 8

11:30 Nero, Romans 12 NIV, Romans 13 NIV

19:35 Stephen is Stoned to Death

29:10 How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie

33:33 “Would you be okay with a draft in the military? If not, how would you defend a voluntary society without enough people enlisted in the military?”

36:35 Battle of the Alamo, Libyan Civil War

43:39 2016–2020 Yemen cholera outbreak

51:13 Military-Industrial Complex

Have a question about this episode or any previous episodes? Leave us a voice message or send us an email of your question or comment and your question could be on the next Bad Roman Round Table. 

10. (Christian) Anarchist Round Table #2 - Grow the Good & Let God Take Care of the Evil

Do we need a government? Does Anarchy reject the biblical understanding of a fallen world? For our second round table, Craig, Abby Cleckner, Scott Goldman, and Jason Mock, discuss the misunderstanding of pacifism as a form of inaction. The conversation explores how the fallen nature of man is exactly what calls us to follow the eternal Kingdom of God versus the rise and fall of empires and governments of men.

9. Jessica Green - Leaving the Left & Finding Jesus


In this episode, Craig speaks with Jessica Green about leaving Liberalism, finding God, and being “politically homeless.” While most guests on The Bad Roman Podcast have found their way to Anarchy from the right, Jessica brings us a story from the other side.

Did we mention she used to be an Atheist? Jessica explains how she got so far left, it started looking like the Right, and how the Bible came to life for her in the midst of her political wandering.  

Starting Points for Further Exploration:

4:11 Senator Rand Paul attacked by neighbor

5:53 Increasing Polarization of the two-party system

6:28 The Tom Woods Show  

7:47 Economics In One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt

7:50 The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose

7:55 Jordan Peterson (why he is controversial)

15:20 Miseis Caucus Libertarian Party

22:20 U.S. Peace Deal with Taliban

23:45 Ron Paul

25:08 9/11 Majority of Terrorists came from Saudi Arabia

30:32 Free Man Beyond the Wall

41:27 Book of Matthew, Mark, Luke

49:47 The Remnant

To learn more about and connect with Jessica Green follow her on Twitter @LibKitWitch, on Youtube, and visit her website. You can also find her podcast, The Jessica Green Show, wherever you like to listen.

8. Kevin Craig - Would Jesus Celebrate Independence Day?

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This week Craig speaks with Kevin Craig about his websites including, Would Jesus Celebrate Independence Day? Spoiler alert: Jesus would not be waving a star and stripe flag at your local firework show. In this episode we invite you to examine why and what exactly we celebrate on 4th of July through Jesus’s eyes, and this can help us untangle from an Archist mindset.

Starting Points for Further Exploration:

1:21 Micah Chapter Four Vine & Fig Tree Prophecy 

2:06 Catholic Worker Movement

2:18 Dorothy Day & Peter Maurin

3:26 The Boston Tea Party

5:30 Wall Street Bailouts 

9:48-10:15  Response to BLM Protest

10:37 Constitution Ratification Debates

10:56-11:48 John Adams to Abigail Adams Letter

13:11-13:30  Social Security

27:13-29:11 Original Intent vs. Living Constitution 

28:10 David Barton, Original Intent 

29:40 anarchistmanifesto.com

30:20 The Second Amendment

31:00 Pacifism in the Bible

32:18 Lew Rockwell on George the 3rd

34:00-39:00  Anarchist and Archist 

39:09  Polyarchy/Multiarchy 

40:19 Romans 12 & 13 with the Greek "Powers"!

47:10 Acts 5:29

47:16 1 Peter 2

47:17 Titus 3:1

Kevin’s Websites: 



Key Terms: Tyranny, The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights