12. Bruxy Cavey - The Myth of the Christian Nation #AmbassadorsForChrist

Should Christians be involved in the affairs of the state? Do taxes make us responsible and complicit for the sins of a nation? In this episode Craig speaks with Bruxy Cavey, pastor at The Meeting House Church in Canada.

The conversation was sparked by a video Bruxy made explaining the separation of Church and State as an actual separation. They explore the importance of reading Romans 12 before Romans 13, how pacifism is not equivalent to  inaction, and how we might go about “planting a pebbles in people’s shoes.”

To learn more about Bruxy, read his writing and explore his teachings please visit his website bruxy.com

Starting Points for further explination & Topics discussed in the episode:

2:15 The Meeting House Church 

2:21 Anabatist 

2:50 “Reflective Mind”

3:13 Evangelical Approach

3:41 Protestant Reformation - Sola Scriptura

3:57 Radical Reformation

5:06 Southern Baptist

5:08 Church of Christ

7:01 Bruxy Cavey Video on separation of Church and State, Romans 12 & 13

7:45 Ambassadors & Citizens - Our New Testament identity via the Jesus Nation

8:51 Top-down Legislation

10:50 Romans 13 Confusions - Two Hat Problem

15:10 Romans 13 verse 4

16:44 Rosa Parks as an example of Obey vs. Submit

18:18 Paul’s answer for when submission feels like compromise & supporting an unjust system

20:19 Hank’s Top Ten List 

21:39 Misunderstanding that pacifism means being passive

22:59 “We are a Christian nation” vs. “We are Christians” - Our greatest strengths can cloud our judgement

25:13 Jesus came to bring a sword - God’s plan for world domination

26:50 Jesus arrested by Pilot - Why we have nothing to fear

28:26 “planting a Pebble in their shoe”

29:18 Bruxy’s book Reunion & End of Religion

If you have a question about this episode or any previous episodes leave us a voice message or send us an email and your question or comment could be on the next Bad Roman Round Table!