For our third round table, Jason Mock, Scott Goldman, Nathan Chavoya, and Nicholas Harrelson join Craig to share their opinions on two main ideas. The first question comes from a Facebook fan message and is on where our obedience to Christ lays, he asks if “sometimes to be Christian, it meant you had had to be a good Roman”? Secondly, the Round Table takes a look at mandating masks in addition to exploring where identity is derived when we come to understand the Gospel.
Timestamps of Topics discussed:
0:53 Introductions
05:30 Opinions on what is entailed by “Sometimes to be Christian, it meant you had to be a good Roman”
07:35 Romans 13
13:13 “Render unto Caesar”
30:35 Major General Smedley Butler
35:16 Recap of Original Statement
36:17 Opinions on Mandating Masks
1:04:30 Definition of a Coronavirus
You can explore Nathan and Jason’s memes in our Meme Gallery and on our Facebook feed!
Visit Live ReligiousTee to see Jason’s designs.
Visit Nicholas’s meme page Anglo-Catholic Memes for Christian Teens and connect with him on Facebook!
Interested in participating in the next round table? Leave us a voice message with your question or comment, and your question could be included in the next Bad Roman Round Table.