13. (Christian) Anarchist Round Table #3 - Put Your Mask On & Be a Good Roman

For our third round table, Jason Mock, Scott Goldman, Nathan Chavoya, and Nicholas Harrelson join Craig to share their opinions on two main ideas. The first question comes from a Facebook fan message and is on where our obedience to Christ lays, he asks if “sometimes to be Christian, it meant you had had to be a good Roman”? Secondly, the Round Table takes a look at mandating masks in addition to exploring where identity is derived when we come to understand the Gospel.

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Timestamps of Topics discussed:

0:53 Introductions

05:30 Opinions on what is entailed by “Sometimes to be Christian, it meant you had to be a good Roman”

07:35 Romans 13

13:13 “Render unto Caesar”

30:35 Major General Smedley Butler

35:16 Recap of Original Statement

36:17 Opinions on Mandating Masks

1:04:30 Definition of a Coronavirus

You can explore Nathan and Jason’s memes in our Meme Gallery and on our Facebook feed!

Visit Live ReligiousTee to see Jason’s designs.

Visit Nicholas’s meme page Anglo-Catholic Memes for Christian Teens and connect with him on Facebook!

Interested in participating in the next round table? Leave us a voice message with your question or comment, and your question could be included in the next Bad Roman Round Table.