10. (Christian) Anarchist Round Table #2 - Grow the Good & Let God Take Care of the Evil

Do we need a government? Does Anarchy reject the biblical understanding of a fallen world? For our second round table, Craig, Abby Cleckner, Scott Goldman, and Jason Mock, discuss the misunderstanding of pacifism as a form of inaction. The conversation explores how the fallen nature of man is exactly what calls us to follow the eternal Kingdom of God versus the rise and fall of empires and governments of men. This round table challenges us to consider how we can meet violence not with inaction, but with creativity, with a radical love for our enemy.

We are reminded in this episode that, God will take care of the evil, and what we are called to do and should focus on is growing the Good. Do you live out of love or do you liver out of fear? We challenge you to, in the face of conflict or violence, choose the power of radical love, that same love that we often forget God has for us and everyone we meet have met or ever will meet. Violence and force are the tools of man, love requires us to transcend ourselves and be more, we invite you to be creative in the face of conflict, of violence, we invite you to love.


Time Stamps & Starting Points for Further Exploration:

07:36 “To say we don’t need a government rejects the Biblical truth of a fallen world. I don’t want to imagine a world with pacifist Christians and godless tyrants”

10:19 1 Samuel 8

11:30 Nero, Romans 12 NIV, Romans 13 NIV

19:35 Stephan is Stoned to Death

29:10 How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
33:33 “Would you be okay with a draft in the military? If not, how would you defend a voluntary society without enough people enlisted in the military?”

36:35 Battle of the Alamo, Libyan Civil War

43:39 2016–2020 Yemen cholera outbreak

51:13 Military-Industrial Complex

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