9. Jessica Green - Leaving the Left & Finding Jesus

In this episode, Craig speaks with Jessica Green about leaving Liberalism, finding God, and being “politically homeless.” While most guests on The Bad Roman Podcast have found their way to Anarchy from the right, Jessica brings us a story from the other side.

Did we mention she used to be an Atheist? Jessica explains how she got so far left, it started looking like the Right, and how the Bible came to life for her in the midst of her political wandering.  


Starting Points for Further Exploration:

4:11 Senator Rand Paul attacked by neighbor

5:53 Increasing Polarization of the two-party system

6:28 The Tom Woods Show  

7:47 Economics In One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt

7:50 The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose

7:55 Jordan Peterson (why he is controversial)

15:20 Miseis Caucus Libertarian Party

22:20 U.S. Peace Deal with Taliban

23:45 Ron Paul

25:08 9/11 Majority of Terrorists came from Saudi Arabia

30:32 Free Man Beyond the Wall

41:27 Book of Matthew, Mark, Luke

49:47 The Remnant

To learn more about and connect with Jessica Green follow her on Twitter @LibKitWitch, on Youtube, and visit her website. You can also find her podcast, The Jessica Green Show, wherever you like to listen.