129. Patriot or Saint with Brandon Kroll

About this Episode

Unveiling the Hidden: How Occult Practices Shape Our World and Faith

Ever wondered why the world seems increasingly chaotic? Why traditional Christian values appear to be eroding? Brandon Kroll, host of the Manna Daily Podcast, joins us to peel back the layers of our reality and expose the hidden forces at play. This eye-opening conversation challenges everything you thought you knew about faith, government, and the occult.

A Journey Beyond the Surface

Brandon's path to uncovering hidden truths began early. As a contrarian by nature, he always questioned the status quo: "I've always been very much the contrarian. I've always been somebody that's like, okay, that's cute, but what else is missing in this history book?"

This curiosity led him to explore topics often overlooked or dismissed by mainstream Christianity. From the Book of Enoch to the alien question, Brandon delved into areas many consider taboo.

But why venture into such controversial territory? Brandon explains: "What I'm trying to do is put myself out there, go behind enemy lines, acquire intel so that we better understand our Bibles, and we better understand the world that's at large."

The Kabbalah Connection

One of the most startling revelations Brandon shares is the pervasive influence of Kabbalah in our world. Far from being an obscure Jewish mystical tradition, Kabbalah's tenets have seeped into many aspects of modern life – including Christianity.

Brandon breaks it down:"Kabbalah is already saying, love the things of this world, earth and eternity. That's fine. God and government, okay, Christ and country, perfect. Scripture and science, you got it. But if you try to say, no government, that's a problem."

This blending of spiritual and worldly power is at the heart of many issues we face today. It's a subtle deception that's led many Christians astray without them even realizing it.

The Government-Occult Nexus

If you've ever wondered about the connection between government and occult practices, you're not alone. Brandon provides compelling evidence of this link: "Ephesians 6:12 with the Geneva Bible... It says, 'for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against worldly governors... against spiritual wickedness, which are in high places.'"

Interestingly, the phrase "worldly governors" was removed in the King James Version. This omission speaks volumes about the potential manipulation of scripture to serve political ends.

Rethinking Our Approach to Faith

Brandon's insights challenge us to reconsider how we approach our faith and engage with the world. He emphasizes the importance of personal study and discernment: "Don't just listen to the holy man that tells you what it says... Make it personal."

This call to individual responsibility echoes throughout our conversation. It's a reminder that true faith isn't about blindly following traditions or earthly authorities, but about seeking a genuine connection with the divine.

Practical Steps for Awakening

So how can we apply these revelations to our lives? Brandon offers several actionable strategies:

  1. Question everything, especially long-held beliefs and traditions.

  2. Study scripture in its original context, looking beyond modern translations.

  3. Be aware of the subtle ways worldly philosophies can infiltrate our faith.

  4. Focus on living out the basic tenets of Christianity rather than getting caught up in denominational disputes.

  5. Recognize the difference between being a "patriot" and a "saint" – you can't serve two masters.

What We Learned About Hidden Influences

This conversation with Brandon Kroll opens our eyes to the unseen forces shaping our world and faith. It challenges us to:

  • Look beyond surface-level interpretations of scripture and world events.

  • Question the motives behind governmental and religious institutions.

  • Seek personal understanding rather than relying solely on authority figures.

  • Recognize the subtle ways occult practices have influenced modern Christianity.

Most importantly, it reminds us that true faith isn't about conforming to worldly systems but aligning ourselves with divine truth.

Ready to dive deeper into these hidden realities? Listen to the full episode for more mind-bending insights. And remember, in a world of deception, seeking truth is more important than ever. Stay vigilant, stay curious, and most of all, stay true to your faith and don’t forget “no king but Christ.”

Connect with Brandon Kroll:

Books Refrenced:

1. Bloody Zion by Edward Hendry

2. Rulers of Evil by Tupper Saussy

3. Pagan Christianity by Frank Viola

4. New Age Versions by G.A. Riplinger

Bible Verses Referenced:

  1. Matthew 15:1-11 - Discusses man-made traditions in contrast to the commandments of God.

  2. Mark 7:1-13 - Refers to man-made traditions versus God's commandments.

  3. 1 Corinthians 11:2 - Mentions the traditions delivered by Paul.

  4. Ephesians 6:12 - "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  5. Philippians 3:20 - "But our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ."

  6. John 18:36 - "My kingdom is not of this world."

  7. 1 Samuel 8:18 - "When the day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, but the Lord will not answer you in that day."

  8. Hosea 8:4 - "They set up kings without my consent; they choose princes without my approval."

  9. Isaiah 5:20 - "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil."

  10. Hosea 4:6 - "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."

  11. Genesis 6:4 - Refers to the sons of God and the Nephilim.

  12. 1 John 3:1 - "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God."

Episode Timestamps:

(1:04) Brandon's Background and Journey

  • Adoption story and educational experiences

  • Encounters with contrarian thinking and questioning authority

  • Exploration of hidden history and occult practices

(5:57) Brandon's Political and Spiritual Evolution

  • First voting experience in 2016

  • Shift in perspective during 2020 elections

  • Conviction about church practices during the pandemic

(13:49) Pushback and Growth in Ministry

  • Experiences with criticism and audience growth

  • Concept of being "over the target" in truth-telling

(17:44) The Concept of Sin and Missing the Mark

  • Discussion on the meaning of sin and its relation to being on target

  • From Pulpit to Podcast: Exodus from traditional church teachings in podcasts

(19:17) Traditions of Men in Scripture

  • Analysis of the phrase "traditions of men" in the New Testament

  • Connection to Kabbalah and occult practices

(25:19) Occult Influences in Government and Religion

  • Discussion on the reality of occult practices in politics

  • Recommended books for further research (see below for list)

(47:55) Bible Translations and Interpretation

  • Critique of King James Version and other translations

  • Importance of understanding historical context and original languages

(54:43) Living Out Biblical Basics

  • Emphasis on practicing core Christian principles

  • Critique of denominational divisions and political entanglements

(1:03:29) Early Church Practices and Modern Applications

  • Discussion on vetting processes in early Christianity

  • Implications for modern church participation

(1:05:30) Closing Thoughts and Resources

  • Information on Brandon's podcast Mana Daily Podcast and where to find his work

  • Invitation for future collaborations

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128. The Anabaptist Way: Rediscovering Radical Christianity with Cody Cook

About this Episode

Are you tired of feeling like your faith has been watered down by political allegiances and cultural compromises? Do you long for a Christianity that truly embodies the radical teachings of Jesus? In this eye-opening episode of the Bad Roman Podcast, you'll dive deep into the world of Anabaptism with author and researcher Cody Cook. Get ready to challenge your assumptions and rediscover what it truly means to follow Christ in a world that often seems at odds with His teachings.

A Return to Radical Roots

The Anabaptist movement emerged in the 16th century as a response to what many saw as a compromised Christianity. While the Protestant Reformation challenged some aspects of the Catholic Church, the Anabaptists took things further, seeking to return to the radical roots of the early church.

Cody Cook explains:
"The Anabaptists were seen as part of what was called the radical Reformation, which means extreme in common parlance, but it also means basically to go back to the original sources. Basically, to be radical means to go back to the beginning. And I think that's really what they did, more so than Protestants were willing to do."

This commitment to returning to the source—the teachings of Jesus and the early church—set the Anabaptists apart and led to revolutionary ideas that continue to challenge mainstream Christianity today.

Key Insights: What Made the Anabaptists Different?

1. Believers' Baptism
One of the most defining characteristics of Anabaptism was their rejection of infant baptism in favor of baptizing only those who could make a conscious decision to follow Christ. This may seem commonplace now, but at the time, it was revolutionary and threatening to the established order.

As Cook points out:
"Roman Christianity had long assumed the validity of the Volkskirch, that is, that with the exception of heretics and Jews, everyone in Europe belonged to the Church, the people's church, by virtue of infant baptism."

By rejecting infant baptism, Anabaptists were essentially challenging the entire concept of Christendom and the marriage of church and state.

2. Nonviolence and Pacifism
Another core tenet of Anabaptism was a commitment to nonviolence and pacifism. This wasn't just a personal preference, but a deeply held conviction based on their understanding of Jesus' teachings.

Cook explains:
"Jesus not only modeled non-violent love toward his enemies, but he commanded it from his followers as well. And that made them stand out from the Protestants."

This commitment to nonviolence put Anabaptists at odds with both Catholic and Protestant authorities, leading to severe persecution.

3. Separation from the State
Unlike the reformers who sought to create new "Christian" states, Anabaptists believed in a clear separation between the church and worldly powers. They saw themselves as citizens of God's kingdom first and foremost.

"Christ is our king," Cook emphasizes. "So we should expect that there is going to be some conflict from time to time between the kingdom of God and the kings of men. And when that happens, we're always to side with our loyalty to the kingdom of God."

Challenging Your Assumptions: Rethinking Self-Defense and Pacifism

One of the most thought-provoking aspects of our conversation with Cody Cook was his exploration of pacifism and self-defense. Many Christians, especially in America, have a knee-jerk reaction against pacifism, seeing it as weak or impractical. But Cook challenges you to reconsider this view:

"Ultimately, at the root of it is just the Latin word pox, which means peace. And so it's a way of approaching peace, of peacemaking, essentially."

He goes on to explain that pacifism doesn't necessarily mean complete inaction in the face of threat, but rather a commitment to pursuing peaceful solutions and avoiding lethal force.

This perspective forces us to confront some uncomfortable questions:

  • Have we allowed our cultural values to overshadow the teachings of Jesus when it comes to violence?

  • Are there creative, nonviolent ways to protect yourself and others that haven’t been fully explored?

  • How might your witness as a Christian change if you truly embraced a commitment to peacemaking?

Practical Advice: Living Out Anabaptist Principles Today

While you may not be called to join an Anabaptist church, there are valuable lessons you can learn from their approach to faith:

  1. Prioritize the teachings of Jesus: Make a conscious effort to center your faith on the words and actions of Christ, even when they challenge cultural norms.

  2. Seek peaceful solutions: In conflicts, big and small, look for ways to de-escalate and promote reconciliation rather than retaliation.

  3. Question allegiances: Regularly examine whether your political or cultural loyalties are in conflict with your primary allegiance to Christ's kingdom.

  4. Live simply and in community: Consider ways to simplify your life and deepen your connections with other believers.

  5. Be willing to stand apart: Don't be afraid to take countercultural stances when your faith demands it.

What did we Learn About Radical Christianity?

Our conversation with Cody Cook reminds us that following Jesus has always been a radical act. The Anabaptists, despite their flaws and the intense persecution they faced, offer Christians a compelling vision of what it means to take Jesus' teachings seriously.

As you navigate the complex landscape of modern Christianity, perhaps it's time to revisit some of these "radical" ideas. What if you truly embraced nonviolence, even in the face of threats? What if you saw yourself primarily as a citizen of God's kingdom rather than any earthly nation? What if you committed to building voluntary communities of faith rather than relying on state power to enforce your beliefs?

These are challenging questions, but they're worth wrestling with. As Cook's upcoming book The Anarchist Anabaptist suggests, there may be more overlap between these historical believers and modern Christian anarchists than you might think.

Listen to the full episode for a deeper dive into these fascinating topics. And as you do, ask yourself: How might embracing some of these Anabaptist principles transform your walk with Christ?

Connect with Cody Cook:

Episode Timestamps:

(1:07) Background on Anabaptists

(1:48) Cody's Current Projects

(3:55) Anabaptist Church Availability

  • Craig's search for Anabaptist churches in the Memphis area

  • Challenges of attending distant churches

(5:06) Diversity Within Modern Anabaptism

  • Spectrum of conservative to liberal Anabaptist groups

  • Cody's focus on traditional Anabaptist political theology

(9:05) Anabaptists and Anarchism

  • Separationist vs. activist anarchism

  • Anabaptists' view of Christ as king and the state as separate

(12:28) Historical Context of Anabaptism

  • Emergence of Anabaptists in the 16th century, challenging the union of church and state

  • Anabaptists sought to build a voluntary society, emphasizing freedom of religion and speech

  • Key Anabaptist beliefs: believers' baptism, nonviolence, separation from the state

(20:40) Pacifism and Self-Defense in Christian thought

  • Discussion on Christian pacifism vs. self-defense

  • Jesus teaches followers to set aside their rights rather than assert them

  • Exploration of natural rights and Christian obligations

  • Importance of thinking through responses to hypothetical situations is emphasized

  • Pacifism as working towards peace, not necessarily absolute non-resistance

(29:28) American Revolution and Christianity

  • Review of David Bercot's book "In God We Don't Trust"

  • Critique of justifications for the American Revolution

    • At the time of the American Revolution, colonists were taxed at about 1.5%

    • Americans received benefits of British citizenship without many downsides

    • This is contrasted with modern taxation rates of 30-50%

(47:49) State Ordination and Biblical Perspective

  • Complexities of God's ordination of the state

  • Satan's and human influence on state power

(52:55) Democracy vs monarchy debate

  • Reference to a previous episode discussing monarchy versus democracy

  • Suggestion that the U.S. is no longer a republic but has moved into democracy

  • Questioning whether people are better off under current system compared to past

(54:24) Cody's book recommendations and future projects

  • Cody mentions his book "Fight the Powers" about political and demonic power

  • He has a short book on Christian nationalism from an Anabaptist perspective

  • Cody will be taking over some hosting duties for the Libertarian Christian podcast

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127. Jesus and Politics with Liberty Minds

About this Episode

Craig welcomes Bob from the Liberty Minds Facebook page to explore our favorite intersection: politics and faith. Bob, a man who's lived everywhere from Central America to North Carolina, and now calls the Golden State home, brings a unique perspective to the discussion. But this isn't your typical California dreamin' conversation. The duo pack-in spicy takes that'll make you rethink the politics of your childhood church pew.

Guest Background

Bob shares his experiences of living in various parts of the world and how these experiences shape his views on life in California. Despite the state's challenges, he appreciates its cultural diversity and quality of life, offering skeptics a fresh take on what it means to call California home.

The discussion highlights Bob's political journey from a conservative talk radio listener to libertarian thinker. This shift was driven by his desire for consistency in his beliefs and the realization that his Christianity should guide his political views. Bob reflects, "I started realizing my Christianity needs to be dictating how I actually feel about these things. And that started shifting me."

Christianity and Political Ideologies: A Delicate Balance

Bob and Craig delve into the intersection of Christian beliefs and political ideologies. Bob grapples with balancing market-based solutions with compassion for the poor and marginalized, often facing criticism for his empathetic stance. He remarks, "The more that I seem to care about those folks, the more I get called a left winger.”

Reflecting on the 2024 re-election of Donald Trump, Bob and Craig express their disillusionment with both major political parties. They critique the lack of anti-war sentiment on the Left and the continuation of harmful foreign policies by both sides. 

Contemplating the Future of the American Empire

They end with a sobering look at the future of the American empire. Craig ponders the timeline of a downfall and Jesus’ return while Bob voices uncertainty about its future, noting economic challenges alongside continued global influence. He states, "It seems like every year two things concurrently happen. The United States slips further into insolvency economically and in every way possible. The United States just gets worse, but at the same time somehow figures out a way to like exert violence and power on others to keep going." 

Yet the hope of heaven on earth remains and we continue to follow no king but christ.

Join Craig and Bob for a thought-provoking discussion that challenges mainstream narratives and encourages listeners to examine how their beliefs align with their politcal ideologies.

Connect with Liberty Minds:

Facebook Page

Episode Timestamps:

(01:21) Guest Background: Bob's Personal and Professional Life

  • Family man, married for over 20 years with four kids

  • Consultant in sales and marketing

  • California resident

    • Bob's experience living in various parts of the U.S. and abroad

    • Christian Anarchist Circles and Regional Differences

(06:07) Liberty Minds Facebook Page and Political Discussions

  • Bob's approach to political discussions on social media

  • Balancing criticism of government actions with appreciation for local culture

(08:35) Bob's Political Journey

  • From Republican upbringing to conservative talk radio influence

  • Shift towards libertarianism and eventual disillusionment with mainstream politics

  • Evolution of political views influenced by Christianity

(16:27) The Danger of "Both Sides Bad" Arguments

  • Addressing the perception of intellectual laziness in criticizing both political sides

  • The importance of engaging in meaningful action beyond criticism

(19:56) Differences Between Right and Left Political Approaches

  • Perceptions of how conservatives and liberals approach government growth

  • Current state of political radicalization

(26:08) The Anti-War Left and Disappointment in Political Consistency

  • Disappearance of the anti-war left

  • Frustration with support for candidates continuing harmful policies

(34:43) The Future of the American Empire

  • Potential fall of the American empire

  • Balancing the desire for change with concerns about suffering during societal collapse

(47:10) Liberty Minds' Social Media Presence

  • Primary focus on Facebook platform

(48:27) Closing Thoughts

  • Appreciation for intellectual discussions on political topics

  • Importance of finding like-minded individuals for meaningful conversations

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126. What is Christian Zionism? Its Origins and Implications with Stephen Sizer

About this Episode

Christian Zionism: A movement that's shaping global politics, yet many don't understand it. In our latest Bad Roman podcast episode, we dive deep into this controversial topic with UK Reverend Steven Sizer, a leading expert on Christian Zionism.

Together, Craig and Stephen define and explore Christian Zionism's profound influence on global politics, creation and support of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine, and stoking of tensions in the Middle East.

Stephen illuminates the historical roots of Christian Zionism, revealing that it predates Jewish Zionism by at least 50 years. This episode challenges listeners to reconsider the motivations behind political support for Israel and question whether religious beliefs are being used to justify geopolitical agendas.

Here are 3 key takeaways from our conversation:

  1. The Origins of Christian Zionism: Explore how this movement has evolved and its current influence.

  2. The Theological Misconceptions: Rev. Sizer challenges common interpretations of scripture that have led to unconditional support for modern Israel.

  3. The Human Cost: We discuss the impact of Christian Zionist beliefs on Palestinians, including Christians in Gaza.

Listeners will gain fresh insights into the misinterpretations of key biblical passages, particularly regarding the Rapture and the distinction between the Israel of the Bible and the modern state of Israel. Reverend Sizer argues that many Christians have been led astray by these misinterpretations, resulting in a distorted view of Israel's role in modern times.

The episode also confronts the real-world consequences of Christian Zionist beliefs, highlighting the ongoing conflict in Gaza as a stark reminder of the human cost of uncritical support for Israeli policies. Reverend Sizer calls for a reevaluation of how these beliefs might be contributing to suffering and injustice.

The two discuss actionable steps for Christians to align their beliefs with the pursuit of peace and justice for all people in the Holy Land. This episode is a call to reflection and action, challenging listeners to approach Israel-Palestine with open minds, compassionate hearts, and a dedication to seeking truth and justice. This eye-opening discussion promises to transform your understanding of Christian Zionism and how its implications shape international politics and human rights issues. It's a must-listen for anyone seeking to understand the complexities of the land that is Palestine and the nation state of Israel.

Connect with Stephen Sizer:

Website [https://www.stephensizer.com/friends/]

Article: 7 Biblical Answers to Israel and the Church

Episode Timestamps:

(00:58) Stephen's Background and Journey

  • Episode with Grace Batchoun 

  • 71-year-old retired Church of England minister

  • Evangelical conservative background

  • Transition from Christian Zionist beliefs to critical analysis

(02:14) Stephen's Ministry and Middle East Experience

  • Work in Eastern Europe during communist era

  • Involvement in Middle East, particularly Israel-Palestine issues

  • PhD research on Christian Zionism

(04:47) Stephen's Publications and Resources

(06:01) Defining Christian Zionism

  • Origins and development of Christian Zionism

  • Distinction between Jewish Zionism and Christian Zionism

  • Critique of Christian Zionism as an oxymoron

(10:20) Christian Nationalism and Christian Zionism

  • Exploration of the relationship between the two ideologies

  • Distinction between healthy patriotism and harmful nationalism

(14:14) Distinguishing Between Jews, Israel, and Zionism

  • Importance of separating criticism of Israeli policies from antisemitism

  • Discussion on demographics and support for Israeli policies among Jews

(22:20) Christian Support for Israeli Actions

  • Examination of Christian justifications for supporting Israeli policies

  • Critique of dispensationalist theology and its impact on Christian views

(27:26) Historical Context of Christian Zionis

  • 19th-century origins and political motivations

  • Role of Christian Zionism in shaping Middle East policies

(35:06) Personal Experiences and Challenges

  • Stephen's encounters with accusations and intimidation

  • Church of England's response to Stephen's work on Israel-Palestine issues

(47:20) Encouragement to Continue the Dialogue

  • Importance of challenging Christian Zionist beliefs

  • Call for Christians to critically examine their views on Israel-Palestine

(55:24) Additional Resources and Support

  • Information on Stephen's website and publications

  • Introduction to Peacemakers NGO and its work

(56:38) Future Discussions and Collaborations

  • Potential for future conversations with other experts

  • Importance of ongoing dialogue on Israel-Palestine issues

(00:58) Stephen's Background and Journey

(02:14) Stephen's Ministry and Middle East Experience

(04:47) Stephen's Publications and Resources

Website: Stephensizer.com for free access to materials

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125. Social Media Overload: Digital Detox & True Community with Blaklee Ramsey

About this Episode

Are you ready to dive down the digital rabbit hole? Buckle up, because this episode takes you on a wild ride through the world of social media, podcasting, and personal growth.

Blaklee Ramsey, the mastermind behind the "Elevated Edict Podcast," joins host Craig Harguess for a no-holds-barred conversation that'll make you rethink your scrolling habits. But first, let's rewind:

Remember those college days when your biggest worry was how many wings you could sling during game day? Craig and Blaklee do. They kick things off with a nostalgic trip down memory lane, reminiscing about their time at Foghorns Wings near the University of Arkansas. It's all laughs and "remember whens" until...

BAM! We're thrust into the present, where TikTok reigns supreme and dopamine hits come faster than you can say "swipe up." Blaklee drops some truth bombs about social media addiction that'll have you side-eyeing your phone. But don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom.

Did you know social media can actually be... good for you? (Gasp!) Our dynamic duo explores the brighter side of the digital world, from networking opportunities to spreading positivity. It's like finding a unicorn in a sea of cat videos.

But wait, there's more! Blaklee pulls back the curtain on her journey on being called to podcasting and here quick success. Spoiler alert: it's not all glamour and perfectly edited sound bites. She gets real about the self-doubt, the late-night editing sessions, and the unexpected connections that make it all worthwhile.

And for all you aspiring podcasters out there? Craig and Blaklee serve up a heaping helping of real talk about the challenges and triumphs of growing a show. It's like a masterclass in audio entrepreneurship, minus the hefty price tag.

So, are you ready to laugh, learn, and maybe rethink your relationship with that little device in your pocket? Tune in to this episode of the Bad Roman Podcast. Who knows? You might just find the inspiration to start your own digital revolution.

Connect with Blaklee Ramsey:

Episode Timestamps:

(0:55) Reconnecting and Reminiscing

  • Craig introduces Blaklee Ramsey, fellow podcaster and longtime friend

  • Craig and Blaklee reflect on their past work experiences at Foghorns Wings in Fayetteville, Arkansas

    • Realities of working in Fayetteville during game days

(4:06) Blaklee's Background

  • Born and raised in Arkansas

  • Started working in restaurants at age 12

  • Transition to sales and real estate, highlighting her strong work ethic

    • Burnout in Real Estate

  • Blaklee's journey to overcome burnout and set boundaries

    • The Birth of the Elevated Edit Podcast

    • Focus on self-improvement, work-life balance, and feminine energy

(11:32) The Dark Side of Social Media

  • Social Media Overconsumption

    • Discussion on the addictive nature of social media platforms

  • Craig's recent experience with social media during a difficult time

  • Blaklee's experience with social media addiction during the 2020 lockdown

  • Realization of time wasted on social media

(20:43) Positive Aspects of Social Media

  • Social media as a powerful connector

  • Blaklee's use of social media to grow her brand and podcast

  • Blaklee's strategies for setting boundaries and curating a positive online environment

(28:22) The Science Behind Social Media Addiction

  • Companies' strategies to keep users engaged

  • Importance of setting boundaries and being mindful of social media use

(34:39) The Elevated Edit Podcast

  • Blaklee's journey to starting her podcast

  • Focus on vulnerability, authenticity, and positive messaging

(40:27) Advice for Aspiring Podcasters

  • Importance of pushing through initial challenges

  • The value of authentic, unscripted content

(58:52) Final Thoughts

  • Importance of diverse perspectives in podcasting

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124. Humor, Healing, & Finding Purpose with Jeff Macolino

About this Episode

Have you ever felt like you're the worst person in the world? That everyone else has it together while you're just fumbling through life? If so, you're not alone. In this eye-opening episode of the Bad Roman Podcast, host Craig Hargis sat down with comedian and fellow podcaster Jeff Macalino to explore the surprising power of self-deprecating humor and its potential to transform lives.

The Unexpected Therapy Session

What started as a casual conversation about politics and faith quickly evolved into an impromptu therapy session that left both Craig and Jeff laughing and reflecting on the nature of self-worth. Jeff's raw honesty about his struggles with self-hatred struck a chord, revealing a universal human experience that many grapple with silently.

> "I hate myself more than anybody else in the world. Meaning I think I'm a horrible person. I'm terrible. I'm an abomination. I hate everything about me." - Jeff Macalino

At first glance, this level of self-loathing might seem alarming. But as the conversation unfolded, it became clear that Jeff's ability to confront and express these feelings openly was actually a source of strength and connection.

The Healing Power of Laughter

One of the most striking insights from their chat was Jeff's unique approach to dealing with embarrassment and personal shortcomings. Instead of hiding his mistakes or awkward moments, he chooses to share them openly, often turning them into hilarious anecdotes that bring joy to others.

Consider this: When was the last time you turned a mortifying experience into a source of laughter for yourself and others?

Jeff's philosophy is simple yet profound:

  1. Experience something embarrassing or negative

  2. Share it openly, often with humorous exaggeration

  3. Make others laugh, turning negative energy into positive

This approach doesn't just provide momentary relief; it has the potential to reshape one's relationship with their own imperfections. By laughing at themselves, individuals can:

  • Reduce the power of shame and self-criticism

  • Create connections through shared human experiences

  • Find value in mistakes and awkward moments

Reframing Self-Hatred: A Christian Perspective

As a Christian, Craig found himself reflecting on how Jeff's struggles align with the teachings of Jesus. It's easy to forget that Christ doesn't reject anyone, no matter how harshly they judge themselves. This realization led to a powerful moment in their conversation:

> "If Jesus doesn't reject you and you have these Christian tendencies, you have these Christian leanings... he doesn't reject you. You shouldn't reject yourself either."

This perspective offers a profound counterpoint to self-hatred. It challenges individuals to view themselves through a lens of grace and acceptance, mirroring the unconditional love that is central to Christian faith.

Practical Steps for Self-Acceptance

While the conversation was filled with laughter, it also yielded some practical advice for those struggling with self-worth:

  1. Start with the basics: Craig recommended Jeff (and now you) to read the Sermon on the Mount daily. This foundational teaching of Jesus can provide a new perspective on self-worth and relationships with others.

  2. Embrace vulnerability: Share embarrassing moments or mistakes. You might be surprised at how many people relate and find comfort in openness.

  3. Look for the humor: Try to find the funny side of awkward experiences. This doesn't trivialize them but can help reduce their emotional impact.

  4. Remember your impact: Jeff's comedy brings joy to countless people. Similarly, reflect on the positive impact you have on others, even in small ways.

  5. Practice self-compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you'd offer a good friend.

What We Learned About Self-Worth and Joy

This episode reminded Craig of the transformative power of honest conversation and shared laughter. Jeff's openness about his struggles with self-hatred, coupled with his ability to find humor in life's awkward moments, offers a unique pathway to self-acceptance and joy.

As they wrapped up their chat, Craig found himself deeply grateful for the unexpected direction the conversation had taken. It served as a powerful reminder that sometimes, the most profound insights come from the most unplanned moments.

Whether you're grappling with self-doubt, seeking ways to find more joy in your life, or simply in need of a good laugh, listening to the full episode might just change the way you view yourself and the world around you.

Remember, in a world that often feels divided, shared experiences of awkwardness, self-doubt, and the ability to laugh at oneself can be a powerful unifying force. So the next time you find yourself cringing at a personal faux pas, consider sharing it with a friend. You might just turn that moment of embarrassment into a catalyst for connection and joy.

Connect with Jeff Macolino:

Episode Timestamps:


0:22 Guest Introduction: Jeff Macalino

0:44 Opening Banter and Sports Talk

  • Craig’s evolving relationship with the Dallas Cowboys

  • Jeff recounts his experience as a New Orleans Saints fan

  • younger fans focus more on individual athletes than teams

  • parallels between sports fandom and political allegiances

7:51 Jeff's Background and Podcast

  • Jeff Macalino Podcast

  • Jeff's Acting Career

    • "Haunted Happy Hour" on Prime

    • "The Last Ride" where Jeff serves as executive producer and lead actor

11:44 Exploration of Past Life Regression

  • Jeff shares his experience with past life regression facilitated by a friend

  • Describes the process as therapeutic regardless of belief in reincarnation

18:30 Spirituality and Christianity

  • Jeff reflects on his Catholic upbringing and current spiritual journey

  • Discusses openness to various spiritual experiences and the complexities of political involvement

21:03 Political Engagement and Voting

  • Jeff shares his conflicted feelings about voting particularly regarding marijuana legalization in Florida

  • moral dilemmas and compromises involved in political participation

25:57 Christian Anarchist Perspective

  • Craig explains his view on disengagement from politics emphasizing following Jesus over political involvement

  • challenges of maintaining this perspective in a politically charged environment

29:24 Self-Perception and Humor

  • Jeff talks about his tendency towards self-deprecation and using humor to cope with negative experiences

  • Craig encourages Jeff to recognize his positive impact through humor and entertainment

47:45 Closing Thoughts 

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123. Democracy vs. Monarchy: Are We Truly Free? with Jeb Smith

About this Episode

What if everything you thought about democracy was wrong? In our latest episode, Jeb Smith, author of "Missing Monarchy,"challenges the conventional wisdom on governance, exploring the surprising benefits of medieval kingship over modern democracy. Are we truly freer today, or have we misunderstood the past?

In our conversation, we explore:

The Misconceptions of Democracy: Jeb argues that democracy may not be the beacon of freedom we believe it to be. Discover why he believes medieval societies offered more liberty than our current systems.

The Role of Kingship: Far from being tyrannical, medieval kingship was decentralized and voluntary, offering a unique form of governance that respected individual choice.

The Power of No King but Christ: How the teachings of Christ can guide us away from political entanglements and towards a more authentic Christian life.

Jeb Smith takes us through history, sharing how his transition from atheism to Christianity and his study of pre-14th-century European history reshaped his understanding of governance and liberty. He states, "In the Middle Ages…there's not a king passing laws. The laws are derived from the people organically in their customs that lasted over hundreds of years." This perspective invites listeners to reconsider the centralized power of modern democracy and its impact on individual freedom.

The conversation turns to the Christian principle of "No King but Christ," urging believers to prioritize divine authority over earthly institutions. Jeb and Craig explore how this idea can guide Christians in navigating the complexities of government, emphasizing that no human institution should dictate one's life if it contradicts Christ's teachings.

Jeb also critiques the modern education system, describing it as a tool for creating compliant citizens rather than fostering independent thinkers. He warns, "If people have no solid foundation and no roots running deep in the soil, they can be easily swept off by the current agenda of the day." This analysis encourages listeners to examine the influences shaping their beliefs and actions.

As the discussion unfolds, Jeb challenges the effectiveness of libertarianism within the current political framework, quoting Lysander Spooner: "Under democracy, a man finds himself inspired by a government that he cannot resist, a government that forces him to pay money, render service, and forego the exercise of many of his natural rights under peril and weighty punishment." This critique invites listeners to question whether true liberty can be achieved through existing political structures.

Tune in on your favorite podcast player as Jeb unpacks these provocative ideas and shares insights from his book, "Missing: What Americans Get Wrong about Monarchy, Democracy, Feudalism, and Liberty." The dialogue not only questions the status quo but also offers a perspective on the intersection of faith, governance, and education. This episode is sure to pique your curiosity and inspire you to reflect on the principles that should guide our Christian lives.

Connect with Jeb Smith:

Episode Timestamps:

(1:08) Jeb's Background

  • Jeb shares his upbringing in Vermont within a Christian family

  • his initial rejection of faith due to unanswered questions

  • His journey through atheism, influenced by secular education, eventually led him back to Christianity through apologetics and creationist literature.

  • Jeb describes his political journey from a conservative American Christian to a libertarian,

(5:18) Influence of Tolkien and Historical Insights

  • Jeb's admiration for J.R.R. Tolkien's works, which incorporate anarchist and libertarian themes, inspired him to explore Anglo-Saxon history. 

  • His research revealed a libertarian and anarchist form of governance in pre-conquest England, challenging modern perceptions of monarchy.

(8:12) Identity and Labels

  • Craig and Jeb discuss the complexity of political and religious labels

  • importance of individual thought and the limitations of labels in capturing the nuances of personal beliefs

(9:25) Christianity and Politics

  • critiques the conflation of Christianity with political figures like Trump

  • dangers of aligning faith with political agendas

  • importance of separating religious beliefs from political identities to maintain the integrity of Christian teachings

(11:01) The Dangers of Political Allegiance

  • How political allegiance can distort Christian values

  • need for Christians to prioritize their faith over political affiliations to avoid being swayed by partisan agendas

  • universal appeal of Jesus' teachings, which transcend religious boundaries and resonate with people of various beliefs.

(14:24) Western Christianity's Challenges

  • divergence between Western and Eastern Christianity

  • influence of cultural and political factors on the practice of Christianity in the West

(15:46) Breaking Free from Political Labels

  • liberation found in stepping away from political affiliations

  • importance of independent thought and the benefits of viewing issues from multiple perspectives.

(19:06) The Power of Discourse

  • value of honest conversations beyond political divides is highlighted

  • role of media in shaping public opinion and the need for critical engagement with information sources are discussed.

  • tracing the influence of media and propaganda back to the 14th century and its impact on public perception.

(22:01) Voluntarism and Anarchism

  • The nuances between voluntarism and anarchism

  • appeal of decentralized governance as seen in medieval times

(25:11) Medieval Governance and Libertarianism

  • Jeb delves into the libertarian aspects of medieval kingship

    • decentralized power and laws were derived from longstanding customs

  • voluntary nature of medieval societies is contrasted with modern centralized governments, offering insights into historical governance models.

(30:36) The Role of Kings in Medieval Society

  • The limited power of medieval kings is examined, challenging modern perceptions of monarchy as inherently oppressive. 

  • The king's role as a protector and upholder of law, rather than a ruler, is discussed, highlighting the community-driven nature of medieval governance.

(35:13) Decentralization and Self-Government

  • benefits of decentralized governance

(39:45) Abortion and Government Involvement

  • The role of government in moral issues like abortion 

    • importance of cultural and educational influences over legislation. 

  • Jeb and Craig advocate for a society where moral decisions are guided by personal beliefs and community values rather than government mandates.

(43:24) Rebellion Against Tyranny

  • The medieval perspective on resisting tyrannical rulers

    • importance of prioritizing divine law over human authority

  • power of collective disobedience in challenging unjust laws and the role of faith in guiding moral actions

(45:51) Education and Indoctrination

  • The critique of modern education systems as tools for conformity

  • emphasis on the need for independent judgment and critical thinking 

  • The role of education in shaping societal values and obedience

(54:18) Democracy and Totalitarianism

  • The inherent progression of democracies towards totalitarianism 

    • limitations of conservative and libertarian values within a democratic system

  • challenges of maintaining individual freedoms and resisting the centralization of power are 

(59:09) Libertarianism and Political Realities

  • limitations of libertarianism within the current political framework 

  • need for decentralization to truly achieve libertarian ideals

  • importance of allowing diverse communities to coexist, each with its own set of values and governance structures

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122. Building Communities: From Imagination to Implementation with Joseph Macolino

About this Episode

What if the key to a harmonious society lies in the ancient practices of early Christians? In this captivating episode, Joseph Macolino returns to unravel his vision of voluntary Christian communities, inspired by the communal living described in the Book of Acts. Picture a world where cooperation replaces coercion, and rulers are a thing of the past. Joseph paints a vivid picture: "Imagine a society where bartering goods and services is the norm, and conflicts are resolved through conversation, not force."

We journey into the realm of fantasy with Joseph's book series set in Everath, where Marfta Port exemplifies a voluntary community. This fictional world serves as a powerful allegory for how Christians might live peacefully today. Joseph shares, "Through Marfta Port, I wanted to show that a different way of living is possible—one where faith and community go hand in hand."

The discussion deepens as Craig and Joseph tackle the nuances of Christian pacifism. They explore the idea that pacifism doesn't equate to passivity. This thought-provoking dialogue challenges listeners to reconsider their views on self-defense and retaliation.

But what about the inevitable challenges of community living? Joseph candidly addresses potential pitfalls, such as dealing with bad actors, emphasizing, "Open communication and shared values are crucial to overcoming these hurdles."

This episode is a compelling invitation to rethink societal norms and explore the transformative power of faith-based communities. Are you ready to question the status quo and envision a new way of living? Tune in and let your curiosity lead the way.

Connect with Joseph Macolino:

Episode Timestamps:

(0:22) Guest Introduction

  • Joseph Michelito returns to discuss his new book series, "Legends of Everett."

    • The series explores themes of a voluntary society, drawing parallels to the Christian community ideals depicted in the Book of Acts.

  • Joseph's work uses fiction to convey messages about living in a society without rulers, emphasizing "no king but Christ."

(1:09) Salsa and Conversations

  • Craig shares how his salsa business has become a conversation starter about the Bad Roman Project.

  • The salsa venture provides opportunities to engage with Christians and non-Christians alike, discussing the project's message and the concept of living without state interference.

(2:58) Personal Updates

  • Joseph provides updates on his family life, particularly focusing on raising his toddler.

  • He shares insights into his son's development, including his growing interest in music, with bands like System of a Down and Pink Floyd being favorites.

(5:11) Community Building Vision

  • Joseph outlines his vision for a community based on voluntary cooperation and shared resources, inspired by early Christian communities.

  • importance of like-minded individuals working together without coercion, fostering a supportive and self-sufficient environment.

(6:23) Community Structure

  • Description of a community where individuals contribute based on their skills and interests, creating a diverse and functional society.

  • The model includes private property and voluntary collaboration, allowing for personal freedom and collective benefit.

(8:25) Overcoming Misconceptions

  • Addressing common misconceptions about community living, Joseph clarifies that it's not about communism or cult-like behavior.

  • He highlights the early church's communal living as a historical model for voluntary cooperation and mutual support.

(10:25) Bartering and Self-Sufficiency

  • benefits of bartering at farmers' markets and the potential for a self-sufficient community.

  • reducing reliance on money by meeting needs within the community through trade and shared resources.

(12:09) Financial Considerations

  • Joseph explains how maintaining a job can support community living, providing financial stability while contributing to the community.

  • Critique of consumer culture, advocating for frugality and self-sufficiency to achieve a more fulfilling life.

(14:12) Community Impact and Outreach

  • Vision for a community that teaches self-sufficiency and shares resources with those in need, promoting a culture of generosity and support.

  • Potential for agro-tourism and educational outreach, inviting others to learn about sustainable living practices.

(16:35) Balancing Work and Community Life

  • balancing traditional employment with community contributions, highlighting the flexibility of voluntary living

  • Possibility of transitioning away from traditional employment as the community becomes more self-sufficient.

(20:32) Location Challenges

  • Challenges of choosing a central location for the community, considering factors like climate and proximity to family.

  • Joseph shares personal considerations, including family ties in Florida, and the importance of a long growing season for self-sufficiency.

(23:59) Core Christian Role

  • Exploration of the Christian responsibility to spread the gospel, emphasizing living the gospel through actions.

  • Joseph stresses the importance of embodying Christian principles in daily life as a foundation for community building.

(25:25) Inclusivity in Community

  • Discussion on the inclusion of non-Christians in the community, focusing on shared values and principles rather than religious labels.

  • living according to Christian principles of love, peace, and cooperation

(30:39) Living the Gospel

  • Importance of living one's faith through actions, critiquing the disconnect between professed beliefs and actions among some Christians.

  • Encouragement for Christians to align their lives with the teachings of Christ, particularly in the context of community living.

(44:46) Marfteport: A Fictional Community

  • Introduction of Marfteport, a fictional voluntarist community in Joseph's book series, serving as a model for voluntary cooperation and mutual respect.

  • The community is depicted as a diverse society where different species coexist peacefully, highlighting the potential for harmony in diversity.

(51:27) Handling Community Conflicts

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121. Israel of the Bible vs Today's Nation State Waging Genocide in Gaza and How to Get Back to Jesus with Grace Batchoun

About this Episode

Is the world turning a blind eye to the plight of Palestinians? Grace Batchoun, a Christian and Co-founder of Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, joins Craig for a deeply personal conversation about the ongoing Occupation of the Palestinian people and genocide in Gaza. Grace shares her journey as a Palestinian Christian and highlights the dire situation in Gaza, challenging the narrative of Israel's self-defense. 

Grace and Craig emphasize the need for Christians to align with the teachings of Jesus by advocating for peace and justice over death and destruction. Grace deconstructs the ongoing expansion of settlements, which defy international law and United Nations resolutions. How does this impact the lives of those in the region? The conversation unpacks the complexities of everyday life brought on by the Israeli Occupation of Palestinians, urging listeners to reconsider their perspectives and recognize the humanity of Palestinians. 

The current humanitarian crisis and genocide in Gaza is another focal point. The severe conditions caused by Israeli blockades and refusal to work toward a ceasefire agreement—continuing the unending starvation, destroyed infrastructure, and families in distress. What does this mean for the people living there, and how can the international community respond?

Craig and Grace also examine the role of evangelical Christian support for Israel. Does this stance align with the teachings of Jesus on peace and justice, or does it contradict them? Through personal stories and historical context, this episode offers a Palestinian perspective on displacement and life under occupation.

Finally, the discussion sheds light on the broader implications of Israel's actions on international law and human rights. How do these actions measure up against the conventions established after World War II? Listen to this episode of the Bad Roman Podcast and join the conversation online as we navigate these challenging topics, encouraging listeners to reflect on justice, peace, and the power of global solidarity.

Learn More about Palestine:

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

Episode Timestamps:

(0:22) Addressing the Gaza Crisis

  • Craig expresses concern over the escalating situation in Gaza

  • mainstream narrative that frames Israel as merely defending itself against terrorism.

(2:07) Grace Batchoun’s Background

  • Grace shares her family's history as Palestinian refugees and her journey to Canada.

    • Her parents were expelled from Palestine in 1948, leading to a life of displacement and eventual settlement in Canada.

  • Grace discusses her Christian faith, which she embraced through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and her active role in church ministries.

(4:09) Awakening to Activism

(6:41) Humanitarian vs. Occupation Crisis

  • Grace emphasizes the need to address the root cause of the conflict: the occupation.

    • She argues that the issue is not merely humanitarian but deeply political, rooted in military oppression and land colonization.

    • The ongoing occupation perpetuates suffering and prevents any lasting peace or resolution.

(9:07) Misinterpretations Among Christians

  • Common misinterpretation among Christians regarding Israel as a nation state versus a biblical concept.

    • Grace and Craig stress the importance of understanding the biblical context, where Israel is seen as a spiritual entity rather than a modern nation state.

  • Confusion among Christians who equate biblical Israel with the current political state.

(12:12) The Reality of Gaza

(16:30) Genocide or Defense?

  • The actions of Israel meet the definition of genocide.

  • international legal definitions of genocide and how they apply to the current situation.

  • Challenges the narrative that frames Israel's actions as self-defense, highlighting the disproportionate impact on civilians.

(19:01) Personal Stories and Historical Context

  • Grace shares her family's displacement and the broader historical context of Palestinian expulsion and land loss.

    • She recounts her family's experiences of being expelled from their home and the ongoing struggle for recognition and rights.

  • The historical context of the 1948 Nakba and subsequent conflicts is discussed to provide a deeper understanding of the current situation.

(25:56) The Ongoing Occupation

  • Grace details the continued expansion of Israeli settlements and the impact on Palestinian lives, drawing parallels to historical injustices.

    • systematic displacement of Palestinians and the appropriation of their land for settlements.

    • legal and ethical implications of the occupation and the international community's response.

(33:07) Misconceptions About Hamas

  • Both speakers clarify that their stance is not in support of Hamas but rather in defense of human rights and international law.

    • a common misconception that criticism of Israel equates to support for Hamas.

  • The focus is on advocating for the rights and dignity of all people, regardless of political affiliations.

(36:09) International Response and U.S. Influence

(41:32) The Role of Christians and the Church

  • Craig and Grace critique the church's role in perpetuating misconceptions and call for a return to Jesus' teachings, focusing on peace and justice.

    • They discuss the responsibility of Christians to challenge unjust systems and advocate for the oppressed.

    • need for the church to be a voice for peace and reconciliation

(48:22) Call to Action

  • Grace urges Christians to advocate for peace and justice, emphasizing the need for awareness and action against the ongoing occupation and humanitarian crisis.

    • She calls for a collective effort to educate and mobilize communities to support human rights.

  • The importance of speaking out and taking a stand against injustice is highlighted as a core Christian value.

(54:14) Personal Transformation and Advocacy

  • Grace reflects on her journey from personal focus to activism, highlighting the importance of individual action in the face of global issues.

    • She shares her experiences of overcoming apathy and becoming a vocal advocate for justice.

  • The transformative power of personal stories and the impact of grassroots activism 

(1:02:11) Closing Thoughts

  • Craig and Grace conclude with a call for continued advocacy and awareness, stressing the importance of speaking out against injustice.

  • They encourage listeners to educate themselves and others about the realities of the conflict.

  • The episode ends with a reminder of the power of collective action and the potential for change.

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120. The Beasts and the Lamb of Revelation: From Eden to Empire (Part 4) with Matt Mouzakis

About this Episode

Are we truly understanding the book of Revelation, or have we confined its message to the past? In Part 4 of our series "From Eden to Empire," invites you to explore Revelation as a paradigm for all empires, not just the Roman Empire. We delve into how its teachings provide a framework for Christians to navigate their relationship with worldly powers.

The imagery of the beasts and Babylon—often seen as symbols of Rome's imperial might—takes on new meaning as we discuss how these representations apply to any empire characterized by oppression and idolatry. What does it mean to bear the mark of the beast? We explore this as a symbol of allegiance to empire over God, contrasting it with the divine mark on believers. The origins of the infamous number 666 are also explored, examining its historical connections and broader implications about complicity with imperial power.

Revelation's call to "come out of her" challenges believers to separate from the ways of empire, urging them to live as citizens of God's kingdom. We also examine the concept of the antichrist—not as a singular end-times figure, but as any force opposing Christ's kingship.

Join us as we unpack these themes, encouraging a historically rooted understanding of how Revelation speaks to the dynamics of power and faith. As the United States looks to elect a new president, this episode promises to provoke thought and inspire reflection on the role of empires in our spiritual lives. Tune in and engage with these timeless questions.

Connect with Matt and Expedition 44:

Episode Timestamps:

(00:02:42) Matt's perspective on Revelation and dispensationalism

  • Matt shares his past involvement with dispensationalist interpretations of Revelation

  • importance of studying Revelation beyond a dispensationalist framework

(00:04:34) Interpretive views of Revelation

  • four main interpretive views: futurist, preterist, historicist, and idealist

  • dating of Revelation and its implications for interpretation

(00:08:35) Babylon and its representation in Revelation

  • Early Christian and Jewish writers often equated Rome with Babylon

  • Babylon serves as a paradigm for empires throughout history

(00:12:17) The whore of Babylon and its implications

  • The whore of Babylon is linked to the goddess Roma, representing Roman patriotism

  • The imagery is used to critique the entanglement of God's people with empire

    • parallels to modern-day entanglements between church and state

  • Characteristics of Babylon and modern parallels

    • Scott McKnight's seven characteristics of Babylon are discussed: anti-God, opulent, murderous, image-focused, militaristic, economically exploitive, and arrogant

    • need for Christians to recognize and resist these characteristics

(00:20:43) Call to come out of Babylon

  • The call to "come out of her, my people" is explored as a call to separate from empire

  • the story of Abraham being called out of Ur

  • importance of living as a distinct people under God's rule

(00:23:08) The 144,000 and their significance

  • 144,000 are interpreted as a symbolic representation of all who follow the Lamb.

    • symbolic meaning of not defiling oneself with Babylon

(00:28:34) Introduction to Revelation 13

  • key conflict text in Matt's dissertation.

  • imagery of the dragon and the beast is discussed as a representation of empire

    • themes of power and allegiance

(00:32:08) The beast from the sea and its symbolism

  • linked to the Roman Empire and its political power

    • connected to Daniel 7, where beasts represent empires

    • beast as a symbol of empire, not a singular person

(00:35:26) The fatal wound and its historical context

  • the near-collapse and revival of the Roman Empire

    • historical context of Nero's suicide and the year of the four emperors

    • empire's revival was seen as a resurrection

(00:42:23) The mark of the beast and its meaning

  • symbol of allegiance to empire, contrasting with God's mark

    • historical practice of branding and its implications

    • symbolic nature of the mark as thoughts and actions aligned with empire

(00:50:23) The number 666 and its interpretations

  • number is linked to Nero through the practice of gematria

  • alternative interpretations, including connections to Solomon and empire and word beas

  • symbolic meaning of 666 as getting in bed with power

(00:55:08) The concept of Antichrist in John's writings

  • "Antichrist" is explored as anyone opposing Christ's kingship

    • the term is not used in Revelation

  • broader application of Antichrist to any anti-kingdom power

(01:02:27) Overview and conclusion of the series

  • Series aims to reconcile seemingly contradictory texts on church and empire-

  • Call for Christians to live as a distinct kingdom

    • choose allegiance to the Lamb over the beast

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