
131. Military Service and God’s Will: A Veteran’s Journey with Steve O'Connor

About this Episode

In this eye-opening episode of the Bad Roman Podcast, host Craig Harguess sits down with Steve O'Connor, a former Marine who shares his powerful journey from military service to embracing a Christ-centered life. Steve's story challenges conventional wisdom about patriotism, military service, and what it truly means to follow Jesus.

The Allure of Military Service

Steve's path to the military was paved with family tradition and societal expectations. Growing up in a family with deep military roots, he was captivated by the idea of serving his country from a young age. The events of 9/11 further solidified his resolve to join the armed forces.

"I wasn't a great student and so they, they always say, oh well, you know, if you're not great in school, the military is perfect place for you," Steve recalls. This common narrative, coupled with family pride and a desire to defend his country, led him to enlist in the Marine Corps.

Key Insight: Many young people are drawn to military service through a combination of family expectations, societal pressure, and a genuine desire to serve. However, this decision often comes without a full understanding of the implications.

The Reality of Military Life

Steve's experiences in the military were far from the romanticized version often portrayed in recruitment ads. He deployed three times in four years, missing significant milestones in his family life, including the birth of his son. The physical and emotional toll was immense:

  • Broken back

  • Dislocated shoulders

  • Knee injuries

  • Sleep apnea

  • PTSD and anxiety

"I scream at night. I don't remember my dreams," Steve shares, highlighting the lasting impact of his service.

Challenge: Veterans often struggle with the disconnect between their expectations of military service and the harsh realities they face. This can lead to profound physical and emotional challenges that persist long after their service ends.

A Spiritual Awakening

The turning point in Steve's journey came during a Memorial Day celebration in 2017. As he recited the Pledge of Allegiance, he had a sudden realization:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And I said that first line, I was like, what? In my brain, I'm just like, what in the hell am I doing? What is this garbage I am saying?"

This moment sparked a deep reevaluation of his beliefs and values, leading Steve to question the relationship between his faith and his allegiance to the state.

Key Takeaway: True spiritual growth often requires us to challenge deeply ingrained beliefs and societal norms. Steve's experience shows how a single moment of clarity can set in motion a profound transformation.

Redefining Patriotism and Faith

As Steve delved deeper into the teachings of Jesus, he began to see a stark contrast between Christ's message of peace and love and the violence inherent in military service. He came to a powerful conclusion:

"God does not want your son [or daughter] joining the military”

This realization has led Steve to approach conversations about military service with honesty and a focus on the teachings of Christ. He now sees his role as helping others, especially young people considering or in military service, to understand the full implications of that choice.

Practical Advice: When discussing military service with others, especially young people, Steve aims to:

  1. Be honest about the physical and emotional toll of service

  2. Encourage reflection on how military service aligns (or doesn't) with one's faith and values

  3. Present alternative ways to serve one's community and country

The Ongoing Journey

Steve's transformation is still a work in progress. He grapples with how to live out his newfound convictions in a community deeply entrenched in military culture. His story serves as a powerful reminder that true faith often requires us to challenge societal norms and expectations.

What We Learned About Faith, Patriotism, and Service

Steve's journey from soldier to peacemaker offers valuable lessons for all of us:

  1. Question societal norms: Don't accept traditional narratives about patriotism and service without critical examination.

  2. Align actions with beliefs: Regularly evaluate whether your actions truly reflect your core values and faith.

  3. Embrace transformation: Be open to changing long-held beliefs when confronted with new insights or spiritual growth.

  4. Share your story: Your experiences, even (or especially) the challenging ones, can help others navigate their own journeys.

Steve's story challenges us to reconsider what it truly means to serve God and our fellow humans. It reminds us that sometimes, the most patriotic act is to question and challenge the status quo in pursuit of a more peaceful, Christ-centered world.

Are you ready to reevaluate your own beliefs about patriotism, service, and faith? Listen to the full episode to dive deeper into Steve's transformative journey and discover how it might inspire changes in your own life.

Episode Timestamps:

(0:53) Steve's background and military service

  • Family history of military service

  • Influence of 9/11 on Steve's decision to join the military

  • Multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan

(5:20) Steve's religious background and conversion

  • Raised with mixed Catholic and Christian Science influences

  • Became a Christian through his wife's influence

(7:27) Steve's military career and deployments

(11:48) Steve's awakening to the issues with military service

  • Realization during a Memorial Day celebration in 2017

  • Recognition of the American flag as a "golden calf"

(14:09) Discussion on current military recruitment challenges

  • Declining recruitment numbers and possible reasons

  • Steve's perspective on the lack of active conflicts

(21:23) Steve's struggle with past actions and beliefs

  • Grappling with the idea that military service wasn't God's will

  • Impact on mental health and PTSD

  • Reference to 1st Samuel 8 (Bible Verse)

(29:13) Steve's family life and the impact of military service

  • Missing his son's birth during deployment

  • Challenges in reconnecting with family after long absences

(42:52) Conversations with others about military service

  • Approach to discussing military realities with potential recruits

  • Balancing honesty about hardships with respect for beliefs

(50:36) Steve's evolving perspective on patriotism and symbolism

  • Discomfort with excessive flag displays and national anthems

  • Recognizing the brainwashing aspect of patriotic rituals

  • Blue Angels are still cool though

(59:36) Conclusion and future plans

  • Encouragement for Steve to start writing about his experiences

  • Potential for future discussions on the podcast.

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128. The Anabaptist Way: Rediscovering Radical Christianity with Cody Cook

About this Episode

Are you tired of feeling like your faith has been watered down by political allegiances and cultural compromises? Do you long for a Christianity that truly embodies the radical teachings of Jesus? In this eye-opening episode of the Bad Roman Podcast, you'll dive deep into the world of Anabaptism with author and researcher Cody Cook. Get ready to challenge your assumptions and rediscover what it truly means to follow Christ in a world that often seems at odds with His teachings.

A Return to Radical Roots

The Anabaptist movement emerged in the 16th century as a response to what many saw as a compromised Christianity. While the Protestant Reformation challenged some aspects of the Catholic Church, the Anabaptists took things further, seeking to return to the radical roots of the early church.

Cody Cook explains:
"The Anabaptists were seen as part of what was called the radical Reformation, which means extreme in common parlance, but it also means basically to go back to the original sources. Basically, to be radical means to go back to the beginning. And I think that's really what they did, more so than Protestants were willing to do."

This commitment to returning to the source—the teachings of Jesus and the early church—set the Anabaptists apart and led to revolutionary ideas that continue to challenge mainstream Christianity today.

Key Insights: What Made the Anabaptists Different?

1. Believers' Baptism
One of the most defining characteristics of Anabaptism was their rejection of infant baptism in favor of baptizing only those who could make a conscious decision to follow Christ. This may seem commonplace now, but at the time, it was revolutionary and threatening to the established order.

As Cook points out:
"Roman Christianity had long assumed the validity of the Volkskirch, that is, that with the exception of heretics and Jews, everyone in Europe belonged to the Church, the people's church, by virtue of infant baptism."

By rejecting infant baptism, Anabaptists were essentially challenging the entire concept of Christendom and the marriage of church and state.

2. Nonviolence and Pacifism
Another core tenet of Anabaptism was a commitment to nonviolence and pacifism. This wasn't just a personal preference, but a deeply held conviction based on their understanding of Jesus' teachings.

Cook explains:
"Jesus not only modeled non-violent love toward his enemies, but he commanded it from his followers as well. And that made them stand out from the Protestants."

This commitment to nonviolence put Anabaptists at odds with both Catholic and Protestant authorities, leading to severe persecution.

3. Separation from the State
Unlike the reformers who sought to create new "Christian" states, Anabaptists believed in a clear separation between the church and worldly powers. They saw themselves as citizens of God's kingdom first and foremost.

"Christ is our king," Cook emphasizes. "So we should expect that there is going to be some conflict from time to time between the kingdom of God and the kings of men. And when that happens, we're always to side with our loyalty to the kingdom of God."

Challenging Your Assumptions: Rethinking Self-Defense and Pacifism

One of the most thought-provoking aspects of our conversation with Cody Cook was his exploration of pacifism and self-defense. Many Christians, especially in America, have a knee-jerk reaction against pacifism, seeing it as weak or impractical. But Cook challenges you to reconsider this view:

"Ultimately, at the root of it is just the Latin word pox, which means peace. And so it's a way of approaching peace, of peacemaking, essentially."

He goes on to explain that pacifism doesn't necessarily mean complete inaction in the face of threat, but rather a commitment to pursuing peaceful solutions and avoiding lethal force.

This perspective forces us to confront some uncomfortable questions:

  • Have we allowed our cultural values to overshadow the teachings of Jesus when it comes to violence?

  • Are there creative, nonviolent ways to protect yourself and others that haven’t been fully explored?

  • How might your witness as a Christian change if you truly embraced a commitment to peacemaking?

Practical Advice: Living Out Anabaptist Principles Today

While you may not be called to join an Anabaptist church, there are valuable lessons you can learn from their approach to faith:

  1. Prioritize the teachings of Jesus: Make a conscious effort to center your faith on the words and actions of Christ, even when they challenge cultural norms.

  2. Seek peaceful solutions: In conflicts, big and small, look for ways to de-escalate and promote reconciliation rather than retaliation.

  3. Question allegiances: Regularly examine whether your political or cultural loyalties are in conflict with your primary allegiance to Christ's kingdom.

  4. Live simply and in community: Consider ways to simplify your life and deepen your connections with other believers.

  5. Be willing to stand apart: Don't be afraid to take countercultural stances when your faith demands it.

What did we Learn About Radical Christianity?

Our conversation with Cody Cook reminds us that following Jesus has always been a radical act. The Anabaptists, despite their flaws and the intense persecution they faced, offer Christians a compelling vision of what it means to take Jesus' teachings seriously.

As you navigate the complex landscape of modern Christianity, perhaps it's time to revisit some of these "radical" ideas. What if you truly embraced nonviolence, even in the face of threats? What if you saw yourself primarily as a citizen of God's kingdom rather than any earthly nation? What if you committed to building voluntary communities of faith rather than relying on state power to enforce your beliefs?

These are challenging questions, but they're worth wrestling with. As Cook's upcoming book The Anarchist Anabaptist suggests, there may be more overlap between these historical believers and modern Christian anarchists than you might think.

Listen to the full episode for a deeper dive into these fascinating topics. And as you do, ask yourself: How might embracing some of these Anabaptist principles transform your walk with Christ?

Connect with Cody Cook:

Episode Timestamps:

(1:07) Background on Anabaptists

(1:48) Cody's Current Projects

(3:55) Anabaptist Church Availability

  • Craig's search for Anabaptist churches in the Memphis area

  • Challenges of attending distant churches

(5:06) Diversity Within Modern Anabaptism

  • Spectrum of conservative to liberal Anabaptist groups

  • Cody's focus on traditional Anabaptist political theology

(9:05) Anabaptists and Anarchism

  • Separationist vs. activist anarchism

  • Anabaptists' view of Christ as king and the state as separate

(12:28) Historical Context of Anabaptism

  • Emergence of Anabaptists in the 16th century, challenging the union of church and state

  • Anabaptists sought to build a voluntary society, emphasizing freedom of religion and speech

  • Key Anabaptist beliefs: believers' baptism, nonviolence, separation from the state

(20:40) Pacifism and Self-Defense in Christian thought

  • Discussion on Christian pacifism vs. self-defense

  • Jesus teaches followers to set aside their rights rather than assert them

  • Exploration of natural rights and Christian obligations

  • Importance of thinking through responses to hypothetical situations is emphasized

  • Pacifism as working towards peace, not necessarily absolute non-resistance

(29:28) American Revolution and Christianity

  • Review of David Bercot's book "In God We Don't Trust"

  • Critique of justifications for the American Revolution

    • At the time of the American Revolution, colonists were taxed at about 1.5%

    • Americans received benefits of British citizenship without many downsides

    • This is contrasted with modern taxation rates of 30-50%

(47:49) State Ordination and Biblical Perspective

  • Complexities of God's ordination of the state

  • Satan's and human influence on state power

(52:55) Democracy vs monarchy debate

  • Reference to a previous episode discussing monarchy versus democracy

  • Suggestion that the U.S. is no longer a republic but has moved into democracy

  • Questioning whether people are better off under current system compared to past

(54:24) Cody's book recommendations and future projects

  • Cody mentions his book "Fight the Powers" about political and demonic power

  • He has a short book on Christian nationalism from an Anabaptist perspective

  • Cody will be taking over some hosting duties for the Libertarian Christian podcast

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88. Journeys of Faith: Unpacking Eschatology with Micah and John of City Square Podcast

About this Episode

Have you ever questioned your beliefs about the end times? Have you ever wondered about the different strands of eschatological thought and how they emerged? Strap in for a fascinating discussion with John and Micah, hosts of the City Square Podcast on eschatology. Listen in as we get into the heart of eschatology, a topic we've not extensively covered on the Bad Roman Podcast. It's an enlightening conversation filled with personal experiences, exciting insights, and a friendly rivalry over football.

Ready to expand your horizons? We explore different eschatological views, how popular culture influences these perspectives(The Left Behind Series), and the history of alternative beliefs and teachings. Hear about the three main views of eschatology (Amill, Pre-Mill, and Post-Mill), the interpretations of Christ's return, and the role of critical thinking and discernment in religious belief. We deconstruct the emergence of dispensationalism, where it came from, and its wide acceptance today.

But that’s not all! We’re pulling back the curtain on the City Square Podcast, revealing its conception, production, and mission. Hear how everyday people share stories of their faith and labor, contributing to the vibrant tapestry of human experience. We'll also discuss the bearing of eschatology on one's life and the potential it holds to shape our view of the world. With John and Micah as our guides, we journey through a landscape of belief, religion, and personal perspectives in this enlightening and entertaining episode.

Connect with our guests Micah and John:





Episode Timestamps:

01:10 - Who is Micah? 

  • Husband, father, grew up Baptist before moving into Evenglicail philosophies 

  • studied church father and found his way into LCMS (Lutheran Church Mission Synod)

02:56 - Who is John?

  • Did not grow up in the Church

    • God saved him in college

  • He found his way into reform theology and planted a church in rural TX before moving to San Antonio

  • Web Designer

04:27 West Texas & The Dallas Cowboys 

  • Sports Rivalries

  • Steve Young signed ball

9:36 Eschatology

12:33 John’s View of the Rapture and Eschatology

16:14 Micah’s View and What is Amill?

  • Amill

    • Not a future literal thousand years, but Christ is reigning now with saints and will at some point return

  • Post-mill

    • Christ returns after minimum, but the world system gets progressively better until his return

  • Pre-mill

    • Christ returns before the millennium

  • Dispensationalist 

    • 18th century 19th century America

    • Splits Christ's return into two parts

19:40 The Fear of Rapture as a Kid and where that gets directed 

  • Not fear of self not being saved but those who do not believe

  • Fear-based theology

  • United Pentecostal

22:44 Why should we care about these different views as Christians?

  • Dispensationalist in 2020

    • “Everything was the anti-Christ”

  • Most people don’t know there are multiple perspectives or the origins of Dispensationalism

  • Dangers of going “too far”

  • Eschatology as a barrier to a deeper faith

27:00 Israel’s Standing in Amill and Post-mill vs. Dispensationalism

  • Book of Revelation and Daniel are important for Dispensationalism

    • Symbolism vs. literalism 

  • Multi Genere nature of the bible

  • Eschatology is essential in informing how you shape your fundamental worldview

31:47 City Square Podcast and Covid-19

  • Origin of name and logo

  • Importance of talking to real people about who they are, what they do, and their faith

  • Power of Stories

    • Today and in the bible

  • Authenticity

    • Fandoms

    • Covid and fake sports fans

45:20 Differences Between Lutheran and Reformed Theology

  • John and Micah discuss Baptism

  • Martin Luther

  • Lord's Supper

  • Christology

  • Ecclesiology

  • global church's view of Jesus' presence

53:54 How to connect with City Square and Micah and John

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