Bible translation

129. Patriot or Saint with Brandon Kroll

About this Episode

Unveiling the Hidden: How Occult Practices Shape Our World and Faith

Ever wondered why the world seems increasingly chaotic? Why traditional Christian values appear to be eroding? Brandon Kroll, host of the Manna Daily Podcast, joins us to peel back the layers of our reality and expose the hidden forces at play. This eye-opening conversation challenges everything you thought you knew about faith, government, and the occult.

A Journey Beyond the Surface

Brandon's path to uncovering hidden truths began early. As a contrarian by nature, he always questioned the status quo: "I've always been very much the contrarian. I've always been somebody that's like, okay, that's cute, but what else is missing in this history book?"

This curiosity led him to explore topics often overlooked or dismissed by mainstream Christianity. From the Book of Enoch to the alien question, Brandon delved into areas many consider taboo.

But why venture into such controversial territory? Brandon explains: "What I'm trying to do is put myself out there, go behind enemy lines, acquire intel so that we better understand our Bibles, and we better understand the world that's at large."

The Kabbalah Connection

One of the most startling revelations Brandon shares is the pervasive influence of Kabbalah in our world. Far from being an obscure Jewish mystical tradition, Kabbalah's tenets have seeped into many aspects of modern life – including Christianity.

Brandon breaks it down:"Kabbalah is already saying, love the things of this world, earth and eternity. That's fine. God and government, okay, Christ and country, perfect. Scripture and science, you got it. But if you try to say, no government, that's a problem."

This blending of spiritual and worldly power is at the heart of many issues we face today. It's a subtle deception that's led many Christians astray without them even realizing it.

The Government-Occult Nexus

If you've ever wondered about the connection between government and occult practices, you're not alone. Brandon provides compelling evidence of this link: "Ephesians 6:12 with the Geneva Bible... It says, 'for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against worldly governors... against spiritual wickedness, which are in high places.'"

Interestingly, the phrase "worldly governors" was removed in the King James Version. This omission speaks volumes about the potential manipulation of scripture to serve political ends.

Rethinking Our Approach to Faith

Brandon's insights challenge us to reconsider how we approach our faith and engage with the world. He emphasizes the importance of personal study and discernment: "Don't just listen to the holy man that tells you what it says... Make it personal."

This call to individual responsibility echoes throughout our conversation. It's a reminder that true faith isn't about blindly following traditions or earthly authorities, but about seeking a genuine connection with the divine.

Practical Steps for Awakening

So how can we apply these revelations to our lives? Brandon offers several actionable strategies:

  1. Question everything, especially long-held beliefs and traditions.

  2. Study scripture in its original context, looking beyond modern translations.

  3. Be aware of the subtle ways worldly philosophies can infiltrate our faith.

  4. Focus on living out the basic tenets of Christianity rather than getting caught up in denominational disputes.

  5. Recognize the difference between being a "patriot" and a "saint" – you can't serve two masters.

What We Learned About Hidden Influences

This conversation with Brandon Kroll opens our eyes to the unseen forces shaping our world and faith. It challenges us to:

  • Look beyond surface-level interpretations of scripture and world events.

  • Question the motives behind governmental and religious institutions.

  • Seek personal understanding rather than relying solely on authority figures.

  • Recognize the subtle ways occult practices have influenced modern Christianity.

Most importantly, it reminds us that true faith isn't about conforming to worldly systems but aligning ourselves with divine truth.

Ready to dive deeper into these hidden realities? Listen to the full episode for more mind-bending insights. And remember, in a world of deception, seeking truth is more important than ever. Stay vigilant, stay curious, and most of all, stay true to your faith and don’t forget “no king but Christ.”

Connect with Brandon Kroll:

Books Refrenced:

1. Bloody Zion by Edward Hendry

2. Rulers of Evil by Tupper Saussy

3. Pagan Christianity by Frank Viola

4. New Age Versions by G.A. Riplinger

Bible Verses Referenced:

  1. Matthew 15:1-11 - Discusses man-made traditions in contrast to the commandments of God.

  2. Mark 7:1-13 - Refers to man-made traditions versus God's commandments.

  3. 1 Corinthians 11:2 - Mentions the traditions delivered by Paul.

  4. Ephesians 6:12 - "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  5. Philippians 3:20 - "But our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ."

  6. John 18:36 - "My kingdom is not of this world."

  7. 1 Samuel 8:18 - "When the day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, but the Lord will not answer you in that day."

  8. Hosea 8:4 - "They set up kings without my consent; they choose princes without my approval."

  9. Isaiah 5:20 - "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil."

  10. Hosea 4:6 - "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."

  11. Genesis 6:4 - Refers to the sons of God and the Nephilim.

  12. 1 John 3:1 - "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God."

Episode Timestamps:

(1:04) Brandon's Background and Journey

  • Adoption story and educational experiences

  • Encounters with contrarian thinking and questioning authority

  • Exploration of hidden history and occult practices

(5:57) Brandon's Political and Spiritual Evolution

  • First voting experience in 2016

  • Shift in perspective during 2020 elections

  • Conviction about church practices during the pandemic

(13:49) Pushback and Growth in Ministry

  • Experiences with criticism and audience growth

  • Concept of being "over the target" in truth-telling

(17:44) The Concept of Sin and Missing the Mark

  • Discussion on the meaning of sin and its relation to being on target

  • From Pulpit to Podcast: Exodus from traditional church teachings in podcasts

(19:17) Traditions of Men in Scripture

  • Analysis of the phrase "traditions of men" in the New Testament

  • Connection to Kabbalah and occult practices

(25:19) Occult Influences in Government and Religion

  • Discussion on the reality of occult practices in politics

  • Recommended books for further research (see below for list)

(47:55) Bible Translations and Interpretation

  • Critique of King James Version and other translations

  • Importance of understanding historical context and original languages

(54:43) Living Out Biblical Basics

  • Emphasis on practicing core Christian principles

  • Critique of denominational divisions and political entanglements

(1:03:29) Early Church Practices and Modern Applications

  • Discussion on vetting processes in early Christianity

  • Implications for modern church participation

(1:05:30) Closing Thoughts and Resources

  • Information on Brandon's podcast Mana Daily Podcast and where to find his work

  • Invitation for future collaborations

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About this Episode

Have you ever considered how the subtle nuances of ancient Greek can reshape our understanding of biblical scriptures? Well get ready, because in this episode Craig welcomes back Duncan Kerry Palmer to dissect his thought-provoking article, "Political Power and the Connotation Conspiracy." The conversation delves into the complex relationship between Christianity and state authority, with a particular emphasis on the impact of ancient Greek language on biblical scripture interpretation.

The podcast reveals how the translation of words such as 'exousia' and 'hupotaso' from Greek to English can drastically change meanings from 'authority' to 'power' and 'obey' to 'align with.' These linguistic transformations shed new light on well-known scriptures like Romans 13 and Acts 5:29, prompting a reevaluation of Christian perspectives on government, law enforcement, and societal roles.

Palmer provides anecdotes from his biweekly theological debates, adding depth to the discussion on how these subtle linguistic changes can impact Christian views on governance and societal roles. The dialogue is as rich as the cigars enjoyed during those fraternal exchanges, emphasizing the importance of humility and the acknowledgment that our understanding of absolute truth may be more fragile than we'd like to admit.

Listeners are challenged to critically examine scripture and question long-held beliefs, embracing the journey towards a deeper understanding of God's word. The episode concludes with an exploration of the controversial issue of translation conspiracies and their impact on Christian doctrines, particularly in relation to the alleged divine sanctioning of governmental authority. As they grapple with convenient passages like "render unto Caesar," the hosts encourage believers to reconsider what they've been taught. This episode is not only informative but also encourages transformative engagement with faith and politics. Tune in and be prepared to have your perspectives challenged and potentially reshaped.

Connect with Duncan Cary Palmer:

Episode Timestamps:


01:02 Christian-State Relationships

  • Duncan Kerry Palmer's article "Political Power and the Connotation Conspiracy"

  • Impact of translation on scripture interpretation, conspiracy possibility in translations.

  • Updates on biweekly theological discussions.

  • Engaging in debates, acknowledging limited understanding.

02:04 Scripture Through Translation

  • Understanding scripture beyond face value translations.

  • Potential for translation errors to influence interpretations.

05:02 Modern-Day Pharisees and Wisdom

  • Concept of modern-day Pharisees, wisdom with age.

  • Humility continued learning in understanding scripture.

07:07 Connotation in Translation

  • Challenges faced by translators, subtle meaning shifts.

  • Translation leads to misconceptions about divinely sanctioned powers.

  • Importance of critical analysis of biblical language.

15:30 Greek Words in Scripture

  • Biblical Greek nuances, influence on scriptural concepts of authority and submission.

  • Significance of consistent word usage for understanding.

  • Mistranslations of "exousia" and "hupotaso", importance of context.

28:43 Biblical Terminology

  • Directive to "make disciples of all nations", misinterpretation related to converting governments.

  • Personal anecdote about a speeding ticket, reaction to authoritative language.

  • Difference between persuasion and command in leadership.

42:56 God's Government Through His Assembly

  • Concept of governance, spiritual authority from a Christian perspective.

  • Biases in translation and interpretation, the word "Ecclesia."

  • Scripture implications for Jesus' role as a ruler, governance through the church.

54:16 Translation Conspiracies in Christianity

  • Misuse of scripture to justify statism, complacency in accepting interpretations.

  • Acceptance of out-of-context verses need for deeper scripture study.

  • Potential influence of translation committees on skewing original text meanings.

10:02 Lost in Translation

  • "Connotation stack up" effect on scriptural interpretation.

  • Stacking translations misleading readers about biblical instructions.

21:24 Romans 13 and Governing Authorities

  • Interpretation issues surrounding Romans 13, historical context.

  • Critical difference between "submit" and "obey" in scripture.

24:14 Christianity and Politics

  • Relationship between Christianity and politics, scriptural translation.

  • Role of political authority in relation to faith.

36:43 Untranslated Greek Words in the Bible

  • Presence of untranslated Greek words in the Bible, implications for understanding.

  • Translating certain Greek terms for clarity in Christian doctrine.

42:56 Government, Church, and Satan's Kingdom

  • Secular nation-states as "fiefdoms of Satan."

  • Governance, spiritual authority through the church vs secular entities.

47:06 Power and Authority of Christ

  • True power, authority of Christ vs earthly rulers.

  • Recognition of Jesus as the one true King, rejection of secular authority figures.

53:03 Frustration With Christian Statism

  • Frustration with Christians accepting statist interpretations of scripture.

  • Active effort in studying scripture for discerning true message.

01:00:59 Explore Duncan’s Work

  • Reading articles on or his Hive Blog

  • Duncan’s email:

  • Engagement with content, resources for deeper understanding.

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