Most people wouldn’t include the ideas of pacifism in the same thought as contemplating gun rights, except possibly to concur that those things are opposing ideas on the spectrum of peace. Abby Cleckner does an excellent job of explaining how the two can naturally coexist in the same paradigm.
In this episode, Craig tackles this topic, as well as digging into what defines a human right. The term “right” is tossed around a lot in today’s society, but what truly is a human right? And how can someone who advocates for peace and complete pacifism also advocate for the right to own a gun? Can the same Jesus who says “blessed are the peacemakers”, and commands us to turn the other cheek and to love our neighbor, be the same God who created us with the right to own a weapon that has the ability to bring to fruition the opposite of all those things? Abby addresses this along with other related topics in this episode.
Timestamps and starting points:
1:18 Is pacifism inaction?
blessed are the peacemakers
using violence to fight violence, creates more violence
“peacemaker” is a term of action
planning for peace: consider peaceful ways to defend your family and yourself
civil rights activist: trouble makers for peace
if we believe that we are a part of God’s kingdom then we have to use His methods.
7:11 Civil Rights Movement: troublemakers for peace
you cannot end violence by increasing the violence in the world
MLK advocated for a peaceful protest against injustice
violence begets violence
showing love is more important than getting even
11:42 Les Miserables
The Law v Grace
19:07 Using Legislation to Correct Behavior
Why it doesn’t work
causes collateral damage
Henry Hazlitt: seen and unseen consequences
how does a society get to the point of Nazi Germany
23:30 The Pacifist Case for Gun Rights
gun control
Advocating the government to use violence on your behalf is not pacifism
increases violence
you become the judge of others motives
gun control is essentially a “thought crime”
legality becomes synonymous with morality: war on drugs, prohibition
37:00 Human Rights are Property Rights
What defines a human right?
Property rights start with self-ownership
taking our rights seriously is an act of love for others
respect for others is essential for establishing the kingdom of heaven on earth
42:02 Stop using political violence against your enemies