Public School

59. Jesus, Memes, War, and Canadian Truckers with Nathan Chavoya, Tony & Abby Cleckner

About this episode

For episode 59 of the podcast, Craig is joined by (sometimes) co-host Abby Cleckner for a conversation with fellow podcasters, Nathan Chavoya and his co-host Tony, to talk about the power of memes, their podcast Reality Czars, and, of course, Jesus.

We covered a wide variety of topics in this episode, from why we use memes to Amish communities and the pros and cons of Trump supporters. As always, it comes back to the question of: What Would Jesus Do? Whether we’re considering people who don’t want to listen, Canadian truckers, Ukraine and Russia, the Mexican border, war and Christianity, the indoctrination of the church, or conservative Amish communities – in everything, we must follow the example of Jesus.

Nathan is the social media manager for The Bad Roman Project. He makes a lot of the memes you see on our page. You can find Nate and Tony's show and where to connect with them via their link tree (content warning for all of their media: profanity, crude humor, rude comments).

Episode Timestamps:

5:50 Why memes work

  • People often seem to get more out of memes than the podcast

  • Non-intrusive way to absorb an idea

  • Can light a fire… maybe dose a red pill

    • Makes people read all day to learn more

    • Might change their entire perspective on the world

9:01 People who love to smell their own farts

  • Some people just want to inform others how wrong they are

  • Go on long rants

  • You can’t do anything about it when they refuse your offered resources

    • They don’t really want answers

    • “I could tell you, but you're not listening to me anyway.” -Craig

  • Saying, “You’re wrong” and writing a novel about why is not going to get you engagement

  • Using tired information and arguments won’t convince anyone

  • Proving you’re not interested in learning more about what you disagreed with shuts down the conversation

12:45 Canadian truckers

  • “I see a bunch of statists running around out there waving their flags, trying to change the government and get the government to give them back their freedoms.” - Craig                                                       

    • We make fun of the patriot libertarians

      • But at least they’re doing something

        • Ancaps are sitting on their butts

        • Agorists are building their own markets and ignoring society

        • “I'm glad that there is some pushback.” - Nate 

        • Maybe they have the wrong approach, but at least theyr’e taking action

  • Craig warned them to watch for feds/politicians trying to infiltrate their group

    • The feds are the dumb ones

      • There was a guy at the truck rally waving a Nazi flag

    • They literally all wear the same black boots

    • They try to paint any pushback as racist

      • It’s just normal folks saying, “Keep that crap away from me.”

  • Trudeau called them harmful white nationalists

    • As they helped homeless people on the video behind his voice

    • There’s not just white people involved

  • What is their goal? How does sitting there help?

    • Trudeau said all truckers must be vaccinated

      • Put a travel ban on unvaccinated

      • Even US truckers coming in must get the shot

      • In the US, like 60% of truckers are not vaccinated

    • They're holding a huge strike

      • Not shipping

      • Clogging up streets

    • People raised over $10 million on GoFundMe

      • It got refunded because the site refused to support the truckers

      • Another site stepped up and raised $3 million in 24 hours

    • Not directly hurting anyone

      • People won’t be able to get what they ordered

        • If there was no effect, what’s the point?

      • They have every right not to do their job

    • Some say it’s not really a grassroots movement

      • Most guys are there to fight the power

      • But it was the deep state’s idea

        • Elon Musk has created self-driving trucks

        • They are going to prevent humans from stopping shipment again by using computers instead

          • “Never again”

    • Wouldn’t it be more effective to just keep doing their jobs unvaccinated?

      • Instead of just sitting there waiting for the government to change its mind

      • People can refuse their shipments if they want

      • But it might have made less of a media splash

      • How could the government really enforce it? There’s too many of them

        • The laws wouldn’t mean anything anymore

    • Actually, a lot of the truckers are vaccinated

      • They’re still protesting with their brothers

      • They don’t believe anyone should be forced into it

      • In most realms of society, it’s the unvaxxed vs vaxxed, but these guys can still work together

      • They haven’t converted to the religion of COVID-19

      • They don’t see those without it as heretics

      • They just watch the news, and the news told them to get it

      • Most people don’t have access to alternative media

      • They’d been locked down for 2 years

      • Believed the vaccine would protect them, that they wouldn’t get COVID (not true), that they wouldn’t spread COVID (not true), and that the symptoms will be less bad (maybe?)

      • Realize they were duped, life didn’t go back to normal, we keep being told if we do just one more thing, it will all be over

      • How long will people continue doing the rain dance that doesn't bring any rain?

      • When will they say, “No! I don't trust you anymore.”

      • People are afraid to eat crow

      • They don't want to admit they were wrong, so they just continue to do what they're told and pretend to agree

24:47 The reality of COVID

  • Some sort of virus definitely exists 

  • It might not have actually been any worse than other years

    • The people in charge got to tell us what's causing deaths

      • They know how to manipulate statistics

    • Three years ago, if your grandma had cancer and diabetes, then got the flu and died, the flu would not be blamed

      • Almost everyone had 3 to 4 comorbidities

    • The average age of people who died from COVID was 81

      • The average age of people who die in America regularly is 79

  • Theories on why it didn’t hurt most people

    • If they really made this in a lab, they didn't do a very good job

      • It didn't hurt very many people

      • It's all just a circus made to distract us

      • Or maybe they just weren't able to test it on average humans

        • Maybe they tested it on sickly populations and it wiped out a good chunk of those people

          • Prisoners low on vitamin D and will to live would get much sicker and be more likely to die

      • “They thought it was going to be really bad and were disappointed. So they had to start making up numbers.” - Abby

    • Psy-op 

      • Maybe it wasn’t about wiping out the population

      • Maybe it was about seeing what they could make us do

29:18 Mandates

  • Some counties in Tennessee tried to hold on to mask mandates

    • The state made them illegal at the county level

      • But schools were still free to choose

      • Craig’s friend’s kids were required to get vaccinated to go to school

        • Abby told her kids they wouldn’t be allowed to go if that happened

        • Nate and Craig would want to get violent if the school required that

          • Craig wouldn’t even stand for masks

      • People living in places where it’s not required are choosing to wear 2 masks and get jabbed

        • They’re scared

      • In Oregon, they forced all school staff to get the vaccine

        • A lot of teachers chose instead to get fired

        • Parents are all mad, but they do nothing

32:26 Schooling

  • If we all got together and hired the fired teachers, we could have our own school

    • No more government indoctrination camp

    • No more teaching our kids weird things we don’t want them to learn

    • The unvaxxed teachers are more likely to align with our values

  • Let’s come together and homeschool instead of getting our kids vaccinated so that they can be indoctrinated

33:52 Ukraine and Russia

  • You have to look back at their history to understand

  • Is the threat of war just posturing by Biden?

    • His guys supposedly killed an ISIS leader in Syria the other day

      • Some people say he wasn’t even a leader

      • So many innocent people died in that air strike

    • Is this also just something they’re saying to look good?

    • Biden’s popularity has been plummeting

      • Whenever that happens, they start talking about war

  • It doesn’t look like Russia is wanting war

  • History

    • Raegan and Gorbachev made an agreement that NATO would never extend east beyond Western Germany and the USSR would not come west of it

    • NATO has taken over many former USSR countries

    • Russia wants at least a buffer between themselves and NATO

      • That was Ukraine

      • They said if NATO came into Ukraine, they’d fight

  • Who knows what will happen

    • We’re acting like the biggest bully

      • But are we?

      • We just turned tail and left Afghanistan

  • What people are saying

    • Someone said, “Man, those democrats sure do like war”

      • Dude, the republicans continued several wars with Trump in office

      • You just gotta agree with them

        • Because that is true

        • Ask them questions: 

          • Why don’t they like war?

          • Find out their principles

        • Then ask them to be consistent when a republican comes to power

39:26 Border crossers

  • Conversation Craig had

    • “Trump gave us a secure border”

    • “By locking kids in cages”

    • “But at least it was secure”

    • “I dunno; doesn’t seem Christlike”

    • *silence*

  • Use, “IDK… WWJD?”

  • Someone said, “Most of the kids in cages aren’t even related to any adults they came with. I’d rather my kid sit in a cage than be sex trafficked.”

    • Obama made some sort of rule that if you brought a kid with you, the US government would let you through no questions asked

      • So, lots of sex and drug traffickers used that to their advantage

    • They couldn't keep the kids and adults together because they were afraid of the kids being abused, especially since most of them were not with their parents

    • "I don't think the cages are the best solution still. Call me crazy." - Abby

  • We just need to get rid of drug laws and borders, and most of these problems would be solved

  • Why do people care if anyone comes over the border anyway?

    • What's so wrong about them looking for a better life?

    • People here don't want to work, so why can't they let someone else come do it?

    • So many people who oppose the border don't realize the people getting ahead in their precious capitalist system are bringing people over the border for cheap labor

      • They don't get held accountable, but Mom and Pop places do

    • Work visas

      • Families have to live off one income if one spouse is deported

    • “They’re so sweet; I don’t understand why we treat them like garbage.” - Craig

  • Shoot ‘em

    • People want to have snipers on top of the wall picking crossers off

      • Because maybe then they’d think twice about coming over

    • There used to be a group who shot border crossers

    • They have similar attitudes towards Muslims

      • If they saw one with a backpack on, they’d shoot

        • How does one know a man is Muslim?

          • You’d have to do a little interview with him first

45:00 Evangelicals love war and destruction

  • They’re the top demographic to support war, capital punishment, torture…

  • How is that possible??

    • Maybe it started with one issue, like abortion, and once the Republican Party could control what they thought about that, they could control what they thought about everything else too

    • Conservative culture is more important to them than Jesus or liberty

      • They stick a Jesus fish on their car to prove their love

  • Evangelicals will get mad at you when you say you don't support war 

    • They actually seem to equate being a Christian with supporting war

      • They don't see the conflict there

    • “I was that guy…It never dawned on me that murdering people was not what Christ wants us to do.” - Craig

    • There has to be some fascinating psychology behind that

      • Someone made a diabolical plan to cause it

  • It’s taught in churches

    • Perhaps most strongly in Southern Baptist congregations

  • But people can love their country without loving murder and theft

  • The church was infiltrated

    • The first churches in early America were very anti-state

    • Maybe the desire for power was too strong and they combined with the state

    • Maybe they learned loyalty to the state from the Church of England

      • Or they were used to controlling the state through the church

    • The separatists coming from England had been persecuted by the Anglican Church and had no interest in being like them

51:51 Amish

  • Were getting murdered by other denominations

  • Fled to America

  • Stuck their heads in the ground and became entirely separate

  • Did not operate like England at all

  • Some anabaptists are trying to convince the more conservative Amish groups to engage with the fringes of society

    • They’re so secluded they won’t even help people outside the church

  • Their strict rules are a new form of oppression

  • Treat their women like second class citizens

    • Jesus never talked about that

    • Maybe it’s an indoctrination

    • A lot of Muslim women say they like and choose their head coverings

  • Some Amish communities kick their kids out into the world at 16-18 to let them decide for themselves

    • Some don’t and people flee

      • They send members after them like a Mormon cult

55:54 Reality Czars podcast

  • Unscripted

    • Which is good because popular guests who usually repeat the same thing wind up sharing something new or funny

  • Nate and Tony teamed up

    • Met at Squatchfest

    • Tony helped Nate kill some pigs for an anarchist animal butchering class

      • (he kind of expected to get killed because Nate’s standing their with a gun and HUGE pigs in the pen, and they were only acquaintances)

    • They had interesting conversations and decided to start a show

  • Nate’s side hustle

    • Wife Abbey writes these show notes (hi)

    • He makes the memes

    • Abbey also does proofreading

  • Nate’s baby

    • Is actually 8.5 months old now

    • Happily wears bow ties to church

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47. Home School: 2021 Year End Round Table

For this year’s year-end roundtable (YERT), we have six guests and friends of the podcast, each with a different view on education to have a discussion on homeschooling in 2021.

Our guests are Abby Cleckner, Kerry Baldwin, Jordan, Nathan Moon, and Chris and Karin Polk, most of who grew up attending public schools. A few of the pannel are, or have been, teachers both within and outside of the public school system. A couple of them currently offer training or courses to adults about how to think for themselves, skills they feel they see as lacking in current public curriculums.

In this episode, we ask questions like, are schools are a training ground for compliant citizens who will pull whatever lever they are told without question? Does the system set teachers and students up to struggle?

Most of the panel currently homeschool their children and view it as the only real way to protect their family values and provide an education tailored to their specific childs’ interests.

They also discuss how formal education influences people’s understandings and perspectives on how the world works, in terms of politics and social structures in society. If our public school system was created to make a compliant labor force, with no desire to question the system or learn on their own, then we must encourage our children to pursue their personal interests, to learn how to think and enable them to with the tools to do it themselves.

Control of our children’s education starts at home. Homeschooling might seem like an impossible dream but, especially in the last couple of years, families of every background have found a way, and there are endless resources for innumerable methods to teach the next generation.

Bad Roman Podcast Episode 47 artwork


00:49 Announcements for 2022

  • New Bad Roman sponsorship program

    • The first 10 people who sponsor the show for 4 episodes will get a 5th episode free 

    • Advertise your podcast, product, or blog

    • Tell us what you want to say:

  • New co-host

    • Abby Cleckner!!

      • She’s written for the blog, been on the podcast, gone on other podcasts for the bad Roman, and just been an essential part of the work we're doing

4:08 Guest introductions

  • Jordan 

    • Grew up at public school in West Texas

    • Has a teaching certificate in Texas

      •  Left public schools for so many reasons

      •  Now teaches at a university model homeschool group

  •  Kerry Baldwin

    • Teacher of the Socratic Method

    • Homeschool Parent

      • Three kids

      • Divorced mom 

      • Works from home

    •  Homeschooled as a kid 

      • Before it was legal in New Mexico

        • “I like to say that my education was born from civil disobedience.”

    • Socratic method

      •  AKA inquiry-based learning

      •  Courses available for middle school on up

        • For both students and teachers leading students through the method

        • Register for summer here

  • Karin Polk

    • Grew up in public school

    • Stay-at-home parent

    • Homeschooling all three kids starting 11 years ago

  • Chris Polk

    • Grew up in public school

    • Claims homeschooled status for himself now because he’s learning so much with his kids

      • It’s like doing school over again, but actually learning something  

  • Nathan Moon

    • Had a good experience in public school

    • Most families at their church homeschooled, so they did too

    • Taught in a public school

      • Only lasted a year

  • Abby Cleckner

    • Went to public school

      • K-college

      • Moved a lot

    • Had a terrible experience when she put her kids in

      • Switched to a magnet, but then moved to rural area without one 

    • Lets her older kids decide where to go to school

      • Homeschools the younger ones

      • Older ones have chosen to stay in public

      • “Homeschooling is teaching them to be self-directed and make their own decisions and use their own logic to figure things out. And so, in that vein, I feel like it's not my place to force them into what kind of schooling.”

13:28 Why are people ignorant in 2021?

  • Why don't they understand how our governmental system works?

    • Didn't we learn that in public school?

      • They actually cut civics classes out of school in the 90’s

        • But it's not only young people who don't understand

    • Perhaps people are just so focused on their favorite news anchor that they don't remember facts

      • Like that an executive order from the president can't override state law, thanks to the 10th Amendment

    • Homeschool Community has grown dramatically since COVID

    • New truckers come to Chris because they want freedom, but they've never learned to think for themselves

      • They never really learned to comprehend what they're reading or do basic math for themselves

      • If they previously worked for a big corporation, all they know is how to do what they're told 

      • His students get so frustrated when he won't just give them the answer

    • It's the same at school as in corporations

      • Sit down. Shut up. And do (or learn) what I tell you.

      • Prussian model of “Just pull the lever”. You don't have to know why

    • Schools don't care if you're learning

      • You cannot be held back when you fail; you will still graduate to the next level “for social reasons”

        • So many kids wind up graduating from high school with maybe a fifth-grade-level education because they were not required to pass their classes

          • What can they be successful at?

            •  Pulling a lever

      • Teachers are likely to care, but they're held back by the administration

        • That is why so many teachers are also leaving public schools

      • Schools don't communicate with parents

        • There was a kid who had passed a total of 3 classes in all of high school, and his parents didn't find out until the school informed them that he wasn't graduating at the end of his senior year

24:24 Why are teachers leaving public schools?

  • From a behavioral standpoint, if you take an underpaid overworked position and pile more work on it, people are going to want to escape that position

    • Teachers do many hours of extra work outside the classroom during the summer and at home during the school year

    • The average secondary school teacher has about 120 students they are solely responsible for teaching in their subject

      •  No support from parents

      •  Lots of red tape from admin

    • That's why teachers are always so excited for summer

    • COVID brought very different expectations to the position

      • Tons of extra work

    • So, we have a teacher shortage

  • If a student is willing to take advanced classes, they might get a decent education

  • Schools often hire people who don't have a teaching degree as long as they are in school to finish that degree

    • “Almost anyone can be a teacher. All you have to do is just find the Craigslist ad and dust off your transcripts. But that doesn't mean that you're a good teacher.” -Nathan

  • “A lot of parents are pulling their kids from public education because they're realizing they're not receiving systematic instruction, they're receiving systematic indoctrination.” -Nathan

    • Teachers are also realizing this and are unwilling to participate

  • Teachers almost never quit because they don't like teaching or because of the children

    • It’s the policies they have to follow

  • This disaster started in the 1800's when we changed our education system

    • Suddenly, professionals/the state were responsible for teaching our children rather than their parents

    • It contributes to the breakdown of the family

    • Parents don't know how their kids are doing in school

      • Teachers watch the children failing, and are tied down by policies that prevent them from intervening

32:18 The roles of students and teachers

  • “When we talk about education, we are talking about what the adults are doing for the kids, but. We're not talking about what the kids are doing in order to learn. And this is, I think, a mistake.” -Kerry

    • Students’ interest is essential

      • Even the greatest teacher cannot teach students who don't care about the subject

  • Teachers: architects or gardeners?

    • Architects build a very specific product

      • This is what public schools want teachers to be

    • Gardners feed and tend to their plants, which will not come out looking identical 

      • Provide the environment; it's up to the plants to grow

  • Whose responsibility is it to make the school look good?

    • “Administrators and bureaucrats put a ton of pressure on teachers, teachers, in turn, put a ton of pressure on kids and parents, parents put a ton of pressure on kids and kids are carrying the education systems on their backs.” -Kerry

  • “Education is learning how to learn so that you can teach yourself whatever it is that you want to teach yourself.” -Kerry 

    • It isn’t learning a bunch of facts

      • It's learning why those facts are important

    • Parents aren't going to know everything, so it's important the kids know how to learn on their own or alongside their parent

41:13 Curriculum

  • A curriculum that worked well for one kid is not likely to work well for all of them

    • Don't expect to use the same one for all of your children

    • We cannot recommend a curriculum that will work well for every child

  • Many new homeschool parents seek to replicate public school at home

    • Everyone gets burned out

    • The parents feel like failures

    • Breathe and just go with what they're interested in.

      • They will learn naturally

      • “Keep it simple, Stupid.” -Chris 

43:35 How has education influenced what we've seen happening these last couple years?

  • Public schools don't teach how to analyze a text

    • People have not been critically reading the articles they consume

      • They don't know how to tell what information is important and how to apply it to their life

  • Even a lot of homeschool curriculum is just filling in bubbles with the right information

  • Instead of bullet points and boring charts, information should be narrative

    • That's what humans naturally are; that's how we've always learned 

  • When kids are learning about their personal interests, they learn a lot more quickly and in-depth than when a tired teacher is trying to reach 30 students who don't want to be there every day

  • Kids also need more time to play and learn that way

    • Developmentally, they simply cannot be expected to sit still for 8 hours every day with only two 15-minute breaks

      • Actually, adults shouldn't be expected to do that either!

  •  Homeschoolers can go as in-depth on a topic if they want

    •  They’ll learn more than just the public school propaganda:

      • This bad thing happened in history, but America swooped in and saved the day. The end.

  • If a student wants to learn more about a topic or keep reading, that's seen as a problem, and they “need to learn to work on their transitions”; to comply with the system better 

    • Kids aren't allowed to enjoy learning, so they quit trying

    • They're rewarded for pulling the lever, not for exploring why the lever is there

    • Learning is not encouraged; compliance is

  • MAGA makes sense when you think of the public school history propaganda

    • We all learned that, especially back in the 40s and 50s, America solved all the world's problems and was a prosperous nation

      • “They're too dumb to know they're dumb” -Jordan

    • But now schools have swung away from this teaching

      •  Changed to: America is the worst. White people are the worst. 

    • The only way you'll have control over what your children learn and the values instilled in their brains is to home-school them

      • A lot of people think there's no way they can homeschool their kids

        • They are losing free babysitting

        • There’s the pressure to succeed that comes from government requirements for teachers, schools, and students

        • But the lesson time takes half as long

        • All types of parents have found a way to succeed

      • If you know the Socratic method, you can learn even from the most terrible, one-sided curriculum

        • Because you’ll know how to ask the right questions

  • Media represented by talking heads who were taught what to think

  • But there are exciting technologies coming

    • Like blockchain

    • We can get ourselves and our kids ahead of the game by learning about it while most students are busy being indoctrinated

1:10:07 Options for homeschooling

  • University Model

    •  Kids go into a small school 2 or 3 days a week

    •  The other days, they are at home doing their homework 

  • Or at least find a co-op of other parents who can support your journey


  • There are so many tools available for all different styles of learning

  • We don't need the Department of Education

    • They were only established in the 70s

    • Our education system would probably improve if they went under because everyone would be homeschooling 

    • It's actually unconstitutional and should never have existed 

1:14:03 Final Thoughts & Where to Connect with our Guest

  • Nathan

    • Homeschooling is possible for your family. You can find a way

      • Even if you don't do it, do take a greater interest in your child's education

      • Take the initiative

    • Theology Writings 

    • Fiction Writing and Poetry 

      • Children can send submissions here, and I’ll post them

  • Chris

  •  Jordan

    • You can't do it wrong

      • If you're considering changing your child's schooling, you clearly love them and want what's best for them

      • Follow your gut

      • They are your child, given to you because you would know how to care for them

  • Kerry

  • Abby

    • The homeschool community continues to grow exponentially

    • Even people who are fans of the public school system have criticisms

    • COVID regulations have made schools into literal prisons

    • Find me on the Bad Roman podcast!

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