120. The Beasts and the Lamb of Revelation: From Eden to Empire (Part 4) with Matt Mouzakis

About this Episode

Are we truly understanding the book of Revelation, or have we confined its message to the past? In Part 4 of our series "From Eden to Empire," invites you to explore Revelation as a paradigm for all empires, not just the Roman Empire. We delve into how its teachings provide a framework for Christians to navigate their relationship with worldly powers.

The imagery of the beasts and Babylon—often seen as symbols of Rome's imperial might—takes on new meaning as we discuss how these representations apply to any empire characterized by oppression and idolatry. What does it mean to bear the mark of the beast? We explore this as a symbol of allegiance to empire over God, contrasting it with the divine mark on believers. The origins of the infamous number 666 are also explored, examining its historical connections and broader implications about complicity with imperial power.

Revelation's call to "come out of her" challenges believers to separate from the ways of empire, urging them to live as citizens of God's kingdom. We also examine the concept of the antichrist—not as a singular end-times figure, but as any force opposing Christ's kingship.

Join us as we unpack these themes, encouraging a historically rooted understanding of how Revelation speaks to the dynamics of power and faith. As the United States looks to elect a new president, this episode promises to provoke thought and inspire reflection on the role of empires in our spiritual lives. Tune in and engage with these timeless questions.

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Episode Timestamps:

(00:02:42) Matt's perspective on Revelation and dispensationalism

  • Matt shares his past involvement with dispensationalist interpretations of Revelation

  • importance of studying Revelation beyond a dispensationalist framework

(00:04:34) Interpretive views of Revelation

  • four main interpretive views: futurist, preterist, historicist, and idealist

  • dating of Revelation and its implications for interpretation

(00:08:35) Babylon and its representation in Revelation

  • Early Christian and Jewish writers often equated Rome with Babylon

  • Babylon serves as a paradigm for empires throughout history

(00:12:17) The whore of Babylon and its implications

  • The whore of Babylon is linked to the goddess Roma, representing Roman patriotism

  • The imagery is used to critique the entanglement of God's people with empire

    • parallels to modern-day entanglements between church and state

  • Characteristics of Babylon and modern parallels

    • Scott McKnight's seven characteristics of Babylon are discussed: anti-God, opulent, murderous, image-focused, militaristic, economically exploitive, and arrogant

    • need for Christians to recognize and resist these characteristics

(00:20:43) Call to come out of Babylon

  • The call to "come out of her, my people" is explored as a call to separate from empire

  • the story of Abraham being called out of Ur

  • importance of living as a distinct people under God's rule

(00:23:08) The 144,000 and their significance

  • 144,000 are interpreted as a symbolic representation of all who follow the Lamb.

    • symbolic meaning of not defiling oneself with Babylon

(00:28:34) Introduction to Revelation 13

  • key conflict text in Matt's dissertation.

  • imagery of the dragon and the beast is discussed as a representation of empire

    • themes of power and allegiance

(00:32:08) The beast from the sea and its symbolism

  • linked to the Roman Empire and its political power

    • connected to Daniel 7, where beasts represent empires

    • beast as a symbol of empire, not a singular person

(00:35:26) The fatal wound and its historical context

  • the near-collapse and revival of the Roman Empire

    • historical context of Nero's suicide and the year of the four emperors

    • empire's revival was seen as a resurrection

(00:42:23) The mark of the beast and its meaning

  • symbol of allegiance to empire, contrasting with God's mark

    • historical practice of branding and its implications

    • symbolic nature of the mark as thoughts and actions aligned with empire

(00:50:23) The number 666 and its interpretations

  • number is linked to Nero through the practice of gematria

  • alternative interpretations, including connections to Solomon and empire and word beas

  • symbolic meaning of 666 as getting in bed with power

(00:55:08) The concept of Antichrist in John's writings

  • "Antichrist" is explored as anyone opposing Christ's kingship

    • the term is not used in Revelation

  • broader application of Antichrist to any anti-kingdom power

(01:02:27) Overview and conclusion of the series

  • Series aims to reconcile seemingly contradictory texts on church and empire-

  • Call for Christians to live as a distinct kingdom

    • choose allegiance to the Lamb over the beast

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