32. The Troops’ Battle, The State’s Evils: Waging War with Eric Campbell and Nicolas Harrelson

What if everything you have been told about the War on Terror has been a lie?  

In this episode Craig talks with veterans Eric Campbell and Nicolas Harrelson about their experiences as servicemen who toured in Iraq. They discuss how their experiences changed their view on war, and led them on a path to anarchism. Putting a face on the humanity in Iraq and learning that the people there are everyday men and women who are just trying to provide for their families and live in peace, brought about a change in perception for these men. Discovering that the military presence and intervention has caused more harm than good, and the people of Iraq preferred Saddam to the US military was a sobering realization. What is the truth, and why do we continue to occupy these countries? 

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2:33 Eric’s Background 

  • 20+ years of service 

  • Professional national guardsman 

  • E5 sergeant 

  • Radio operator/communications specialist 

3:51 Nicolas’ Background

  • 2nd deployment to Iraq 2011

  • Wounded on second deployment, October 2011

16:05 Eric’s Story of being in the military & deployed overseas

  • Got to know the locals

  • Conditioned to believe that “they” were evil and vile

  • Dealt with normal everyday truck drivers who were not devoutly religious Muslims but instead...stereotypical truck drivers

  • Realized he was lied to about what kind of people the Iraqi people were 

  • The lies and propaganda is in the American churches, media, and military training 

  • The Iraqi people are just normal everyday people struggling to survive, and we ruined that. 

32:36 Nicolas’ Story of being in the military & deployed overseas

  • The United States being in conflict and war with other countries has been normalized 

  • There is no longer peace between us and the rest of the world 

  • There has been a complete dehumanization of others 

  • The effects of war on his friends 

  • Suicide of friends he served with 

  • Began putting a human face on the “others”

  • “It says a lot about the effects we have had in Iraq when the Iraqi people rather have Saddam as opposed to what we have brought them” 

  • We have been involved in the war on terror for 20 years 

  • Created the perfect storm of ambiguity that allows for the government to do as they please 

  • Creates broken individuals(veterans)

  • How does the war effect those who didn’t ask to be involved?

  • Heavy burden to bear 

44:56 We have not been in a declared war since World War 2

  • Military industrial complex benefits from perpetual war

  • Conflict profits the government by growing it 

  • “For every terrorist we kill, multiple are created” 

  • Average everyday Americans are sucked into the cycle 

  • War makes money 

  • The soldiers are there to protect Halliburton and those connected to Halliburton and their profits

  • Every aspect of the military has some company tied to it 

54:02 Afghan Papers 

  • In-depth account of evidence that the military strung along the public and the government to perpetually continue the mission in Afghanistan and Iraq, as a means to continue receiving funding 

  • War and conflict has become normalized 

  • The United States government has always been the aggressor in all of these conflicts 

  • There are no sensible and rational arguments for going into Iraq and Afghanistan 

  • We trained Saddam Hussein

  • Bin Laden trained by CIA

59:56 There is a need for ministry and mental health assistance in the military 

  • War should be the last resort of failed diplomacy 

  • There is a large number of service men and women who believe that war should be a last resort 

1:09:59 Eric’s gaming blog: The Anarchist Gamer on blogspot