
36. Love Without Borders with Josh Allen

Josh Allen sits down with Craig to discuss his article “Christians without Borders.” Josh is a deacon at his church and focuses his life on doing what’s right and loving everyone around him regardless of nationality, political party, or any other measure. 

Craig and Josh explore the Christian response to people coming across the United States' southern border and how they understand it as christians and anarchists. Regardless of one’s political stance, Jesus taught that everyone is our neighbor and commanded us to love them. Our focus should be on His borderless Kingdom, not on the Empire of America. We need to give ourselves permission to let our love for God and for all people be our priority in life life with others, whoever these "others" may be.

“Anarchist friends. Don't let anarchy be to you what politics is to the folks that we've sort of left behind. Right? Love Jesus. More than you love anarchy or anything else.”

- Josh Allen

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Timestamps & Starting Points:

1:30 “a great governor in Texas”

  • Craig’s coworker comments how glad he is the National Guard is protecting our border

    • So, Craig tunes him out and decides we need an article

      • Enter Josh Allen

2:37 Who is Josh Allen?

  • Floridian

  • Deacon

  • Republican → Libertarian → anarchist/label-less

  • 3:58 “People want to label everyone as either conservative or liberal; you're Democrat or Republican; you're this, or you're that. I'm in the camp of doing what's right.” -Josh Allen

5:00 Who is my neighbor?

  • Literally everyone

  • 5:53 “[Jesus] didn’t care about nation-states. He said all the time: He has a different Kingdom.” -Craig

  • 6:10 “Jesus is essentially telling people to shift their focus, stop caring about what the government says is important and care about what I (you know, the Son of God who sacrificed Himself for the salvation of the entire world) -- focus on what I'm telling you is important. You know, as God-- the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, who is essentially the King of the universe.” -Josh

7:00 Interpreting Scripture

  • Most Christians are biblically illiterate; they don’t know how to study the Bible 

  • OR they’re proud and think they have all the answers

    • God is mysterious. No one has all the answers

    • They make the entire Bible say what they want about one political issue, like the border

  • It's really all quite simple

    • Love God

    • Love your neighbor

    • Love your enemy

9:30 Are borders good or bad?

  • I don't know

  • But we don't have control over whether or not there are borders, so what's the point in arguing?

    • Why don't we just love the people around us?

  • Are the people coming over the border evil? Are they coming to hurt us?

    • They're mostly coming to escape problems caused by our government

    • They're coming over to feed their families

  • Threat or opportunity?

    • Christian priority is to tell people about Jesus and spread His love

12:17 Christian identity entangled in the state

  • Giant American flag in church's ceiling

  • Teaching that America is the new Israel

    • Or was at least created to protect Israel

    • But in reality, America is Babylon

  • Religion of the state is blatant, but we don't see it

  • People wrap their identity in who they watch on the news

17:33 Trump vs Biden on the border

  • Trump said so many hateful things about the wall

  • But Biden has locked up more kids and hurt more people than Trump ever did

    • And the Left is silent! 

    • They are so loyal to their team, they can't admit the evil

18:54 Teams

  • People voted solely based on fear of the other side

  • Christians latched on to Trump despite his hateful words because the Republican party is "godly"

  • Choosing

    • Cannot support the atrocities of the bipartisan options

      • Voted 3rd party in 2016

    • No viable options in 2020

    • If we can’t even be libertarian, who are we?

      • American identity is so wrapped up in political tribes

      • Found anarchist communities

        • Space to actually talk through issues without being accused of hating America

28:09 Childhood Education Propaganda “Truths”

35. All Christians Should be Anarchists with Pete Quinones

Pete Quinones, podcaster on Free Man Beyond the Wall and By Any Memes Necessary, writer for the Libertarian Institute, and documentary producer of The Monopoly on Violence, shares with us his thoughts, as an unbeliever, on why anyone who claims to follow Jesus should be an anarchist.

Timestamps & Starting Points:

3:35 The early Church and anarchy

  • “My reading of the Bible is that every Christian should be an anarchist, and I don’t see where the whole bowing to the state, much less worship of a state that I see in the United States [comes from].” - Pete

4:40 Christians aren’t supposed to be involved in the state

  • 86% of people in Congress identify as Christian

    • “Anybody who goes into politics is going into politics to get wealth and power... so, I think they would say anything in order to secure that office.” - Pete

6:11 How Christians are perceived by non-Christians

  • Divided

  • Pete is not upset by hypocrisy because everyone on Earth is a sinner. What disappoints him is seeing Christians wedded to and worshipping the state.

11:39 Reasons Christians Excuse Anything Israel Does

  • Dispensationalism 

    • Idea that Jesus won’t come back until the Temple is rebuilt in Jerusalem

    • Christians will forgive anything as long as Israel has power so the Temple can be rebuilt 

    • is only 200 years old, compared to Christianity being 2,000 years old

    • “Israel was never a place; it was the people of God.” - Pete

    • Israel is now populated by white Europeans, and that is who we want to side with over the brown people who don’t speak English

  • Ryan Dawson of the Anti-Neocon Report talks about how the Israeli government is running the US government

  • “People will say, ‘Well, that’s cool.’ because it’s Israel. Nonono! That’s not how this works. We follow the teachings of Christ, and everything that the United States government and Israeli government’s doing-- that’s not how Christ told us to behave. Ever.” - Craig

  • Israel is not a democracy!!

    • It’s a theocratic socialist state

    • They’re welfare queens!

    • “This is theatre.” - Pete

22:46 2020 Theater

  • Elites have been buying land to live underground

    • If there was a real dangerous pandemic, they would have disappeared

    • Bill Gates didn’t even wear a mask at all

  • Insurrection

    • Congresspeople hid. These are the people who send others to fight in wars that benefit them. They’re cowards.

  • If the military was fighting for us, they’d attack the government

    • They’re defending the state.

28:10 FBI infiltrators

  • People in the insurrection who are not being charged or even named

  • Terror Factory by Trevor Aaronson

    • The FBI groomed kids to become terrorists and then arrested them

    • They don’t hate us for our freedoms. They hate us for killing their people and occupying their land.

33:35 The Constitution

  • “This is actually where my rabbit hole started that led me to anarchy. It was my study of the United States Constitution.” - Craig

  • “According to the United States Constitution, every war since WWI has been illegal.” - Craig

36:49 People trust cops, even when they don’t trust the government 

  • Police are the worst because it’s your trusted neighbor, family member, or friend enforcing unconstitutional laws

  • Police disregarding the Constitution

    • If you talk back to a cop, you’ll get thrown on the ground and arrested

    • If a cop sees you have a weapon, he’ll shoot you and/or take it from you

    • If a citizen did what cops do every day, they’d be called a criminal

    • “There’s a class of people above us in this country, and we all don’t have equal rights.” -Pete

    • “The state only protects the state. They have no interest in your rights.” -Craig

    • Duncan Lemp

      • Cops showed up at 4am to confiscate his illegal guns

      • Shot him dead through the window, dragged out his pregnant girlfriend and left her there outside

      • Read More

48:19 Plugs