20. Mark Kreslins - Loving God with Your Mind

In this episode, Mark Kreslins takes us through his pursuit of loving God with his mind and how this path leads us to see anarchism/voluntaryism as our fundamental state. What does this entail? Understanding the Gospel through God's words rather than the allure of experientialism. Mark invites us to rediscover the importance of exegesis and hermeneutics in bringing God's word to life for 21st-century minds. 

Mark is the principle writer for Love God with your Mind and considers himself but a humble sinner saved by the grace of God. He has an extensive background in politics having previously worked for two “conservative” GOP Members of Congress. He had an insider's view of the evil and corruption in Washington D.C. and understands the solution to the mess there. (Bio Lifted from Mark’s site)

Timestamps and starting points for further exploration:

02:00 Marks background & story

10:19 Being Patriotic in Church

13:37 Allure of experientialism

18:52 Constitution is misunderstood

23:00 Political pragmatism and moral relativism among Christians

  • God gives us binary Choices - steal or don’t steal, murder or don’t murder 

28:13 Living the Gospel on Social Media

29:29 Is there a grey area for God?

40:12 Avoiding heated debates online

44:09 The Whiskey Rebellion and talking to people who don’t know the Constitution

50:30 How Mark became an anarchist

 58:00 Mark’s Article - Who is Right, God or Thomas Hobbes?