112. Inflation, Tariffs, & the Faith-Filled Path to True Independence with Mike (Michael) Maharrey

About this Episode

In this episode of the Bad Roman podcast, host Craig Harguess is joined once again by Mike Maharrey for a deep dive into the world of Christianity, government, and economics. If you’ve ever wondered how inflation and taxation really affect your daily life, this episode is for you.

Mike kicks things off by breaking down the history of monetary policy, starting from the Great Recession of 2008 all the way to today. He explains how the Federal Reserve’s actions, like printing money and keeping interest rates super low, have led to some serious economic issues. And here’s the kicker: both major political parties are on board with these practices. So, whether you’re Team Red or Team Blue, the underlying economic policies are pretty much the same.

Craig and Mike also tackle the topic of tariffs, especially those that were a big deal during the Trump years. Mike makes it clear that tariffs are basically a tax on us, the consumers. So, while they might sound like a good way to penalize foreign producers, they end up hitting our wallets the hardest. This leads to a broader chat about the real cost of government policies and why it’s so important for us to understand what’s going on.

But it’s not all about economics. The episode also dives into the idea of resisting unconstitutional laws. Mike argues that saying “no” to unjust laws is a powerful form of resistance. He points out that Christians, in particular, have a moral duty to stand up against laws that go against their faith and the teachings of Jesus.

As this is the Fourth of July, Craig and Mike take time to reflect on what independence really means. Spoiler alert: it’s not just about fireworks and barbecues. True independence, they argue, is about having the courage to stand up for your beliefs and question the status quo. They encourage listeners to get educated about economic and political issues and to take action to protect their freedoms.

This episode of the Bad Roman podcast is a mix of history, economics, and a good dose of moral questioning. It’s informative, thoughtprovoking, and will definitely make you rethink some of your views on government and faith. So, grab your headphones and get ready for a conversation that will add a little more spark to your sparklers.

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Episode Timestamps:

00:01:06: Welcoming Back Mike Maharrey

  • Mike Maharrey's Background

  • Journey as a Christian and anarchist

  • Involvement with the 10th Amendment Center and focus on decentralization.

  • Work in sound money and precious metals.

00:06:20: Independence Day and Election Year

  • Frustration with repetitive political cycles.

00:08:17: Monetary Policy and Inflation

  • Federal Reserve's role in creating money and its impact on inflation.

  • Historical context: Monetary policy during the Great Recession and COVID19.

  • Analysis of how monetary policy benefits those in power, regardless of political affiliation.

00:13:09: Economic Misconceptions

  •  Common misunderstandings about the causes of inflation.

  •  Federal Reserve's influence on economic cycles and price inflation.

  •  Political blame games and the reality of economic policies' longterm effects.

00:19:46: Historical Context of Monetary Policy

  •  PostGreat Recession monetary policy and its longterm consequences.

  •  Quantitative easing: Definition and impact on the economy.

  •  Effects of maintaining low interest rates for an extended period.

00:23:50: Tariffs and Their Impact

  • Tariffs as a form of taxation on consumers, not foreign producers.

  • Economic impact: Increased prices for imported goods.

  • Comparison of Trump and Biden's tariff policies and their effects on the economy.

00:31:58: Gun Control Policies

  • Analysis of Trump's and Obama's records on gun control.

  • Specific policies: Trump's bump stock ban and its implications.

  • Misconceptions about political stances on gun rights and their realworld effects.

00:35:28: The 10th Amendment and State vs. Federal Law

00:39:34: Resistance to Government Overreach

  • Historical examples of successful resistance to government overreach.

  • Role of public noncompliance in maintaining liberty.

  • Importance of individual action and civil disobedience in checking government power.

00:46:17: COVID-19 and Church Shutdowns

  • Churches' varied responses to government mandates during the pandemic.

  • Early church's stance on state authority and civil disobedience.

  • Biblical reference: Acts 5 and the principle of obeying God rather than man.

00:50:14: Immigration and Christian Perspective

  • Moral implications of current immigration laws and policies.

  • Personal experiences working alongside immigrants and their struggles.

  • Christian duty to love and support neighbors, regardless of legal status.

00:55:52: Independence Day Reflections

  • Comparison of American independence to other countries like Canada.

  • Critique of the true extent of American freedom and independence.

  • Argument that true independence is found in faith and the kingdom of Christ, not in political systems.

01:01:11: Mike Maharrey's Projects and Resources

01:04:42: Supporting the Bad Roman Project

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