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118. From Eden to Empire (Part 2): First Peter's Insights with Matt Mouzakis

About this Episode

In the second installment of our series "From Eden to Empire," we delve into Matt's dissertation with a focus on the teachings of First Peter. Building on the foundation laid in our first episode, which explored the "Deuteronomy 32 Worldview," we now turn our attention to how these themes are expanded in Peter's writings.

Peter's teachings challenge us to reconsider the nature of submission—not as mere obedience to human authorities, but as a voluntary act for the sake of Christ. What does it mean to live as exiles and strangers, maintaining a distinct identity from the world's systems and authorities? This episode invites you to explore these questions and more.

We also discuss the transformative power of baptism, which Peter presents as a declaration of allegiance to God's kingdom. This act of spiritual warfare signifies a break from worldly systems and a commitment to a higher calling. How does this shape our understanding of spiritual identity and community?

Join us as we explore the call for Christians to live as witnesses, leading lives that not only silence critics but also draw others to Christ. Rather than seeking to fix or overthrow worldly systems, Peter's teachings encourage us to embody a different kind of revolution. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion that deepens your understanding of First Peter and its relevance today.

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Episode Timestamps:

(0:22) Exploring Romans 13 and 1 Peter

  • Guest Matt Mazakis returns for a series on Romans 13.

  • Deuteronomy 32 worldview as a foundation.

  • 1 Peter's submission texts compared to Romans 13.

(3:54) Context and Authorship of 1 Peter

  • Authorship debate: Peter's role and Greek language differences.

  • Audience: Jewish and Gentile mix in Asia Minor.

(8:34) Deuteronomy 32 Worldview

  • Three falls in the Old Testament.

  • Spiritual beings over nations leading people away from Yahweh.

(12:38) Living as Exiles

  • Christians as exiles, separate from worldly systems.

  • Identity as a chosen race, royal priesthood, holy nation.

(29:19) Submission and Authority

  • "Submission" vs. obedience in 1 Peter and Romans 13.

  • Greek term "hupotasso" and voluntary yielding.

(36:06) Cultural Context and Social Structures

  • Emperor worship and social hierarchies in 1 Peter's context.

  • Roles of slaves and wives; spiritual freedom in Christ.

(20:36) Baptism as Spiritual Warfare

  • Baptism as a proclamation against principalities and powers.

  • Allegiance to Jesus and renouncing worldly systems.

(40:27) Freedom and Honor

  • Living as free people, serving God.

  • Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God.

(47:28) Conclusion and Next Steps

  • Looking ahead to part 3 

  • Encouragement to live distinctively as Christians.

(48:11) Additional Resources

  • Expedition 44 podcast for further exploration.

  • Support the Bad Roman project through donations and social media engagement.

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